Friday, August 17, 2012

How to Know the Various Diseases of Citrus

Are there any diseases in plants? The answer of course there is. As it happens in humans, sometimes plants will also be under attack from various diseases if not properly maintained and cared for. Therefore, intensive care should always be done in the middle of each plant you cultivate or cultivated in order to avoid harmful plant diseases. Many illnesses that attack the plants. As a result of the attack, not infrequently maintained or cultivated plants that will be disturbed. In plants such as citrus. Worst loss that could be caused by various diseases of citrus and citrus plant growth is disrupted so that the fruit will be reduced production. If this happens, it is definitely concerned farmers will suffer losses.

Diseases in Citrus

Well, for readers, especially citrus farmers do not suffer losses due to attacks of this disease, you'll find a variety of diseases in citrus plants and how to control it. Therefore, on this occasion, the author will present a discussion of various diseases of citrus and its control of the most effective way. Here's the full description.

1. Citrus vein phloem degeneration (CVPD)

CVPD is a kind of disease of citrus caused by the bacterium Like Organism (BLO). This disease usually will attack the various stages of citrus, especially tangerine plants. Symptoms of this disease can be identified through the various stages of the plant, which is as follows. On young plants, the symptoms indicated by the slow growth of buds, sticking to the top with small leaves and yellow mottled. On mature plants, the symptoms will be seen on the shaft of the attack of this disease. Leaves usually found on stems of infected will show a yellow color, jutting upward like a brush and often new shoots appear. In addition, the leaves will usually have a narrower size and taper in the presence of yellow leaves around the bone.

If the disease attacks the fruit, the fruit will be impaired development and growth is not normal. The fruit will usually have a sour taste, color degreening, and the seeds will experience abortion. If the entire plant is infected, the leaves will fall prematurely and will lead to the emergence of interest in the off-season. Control plants that had CVPD disease can be integrated to make couple of ways, such as cutting branches mancabut infected or severely infected plants. In addition, the control can be done with an effective insecticide spraying to eradicate the disease vector, ie 2.5 E or Curacron Decis 500 EC.

2. Tristeza Virus

Tristeza virus is a disease that affects every stage of the citrus crop from seed to plants that are grown on plantations. Disease affecting citrus seedlings Seedling yellow called Tristeza. Diseases that attack seeds, seedlings causes citrus seedlings become stunted and yellow. The attack on the leaves called Clering Vein, which is characterized by the primary leaves the bone becomes clear when viewed in a way seeing, while below the surface of the bone leaves appear coarse and discolored leaves.

Typical symptoms of this disease is a gap or hole in the branch or trunk and look at these gaps. This disease can be controlled in an integrated manner by choosing, then cut the stems are exposed to the disease, the cause of this disease vector control by spraying insecticides, and do pre-imune by infecting healthy plants using a weak strain the virus to become resistant later.

3. Virus Psorosis

Diseases of citrus and this one can be seen from the symptoms of Vein Flecking, namely the emergence of small dots around the bone, pale leaves and will spread to other parts and to form larger patches. This disease can be controlled by using eye patch that is not infected or it could be carried out by the skin to inhibit the progression of the disease.

4. Virus Exocortis

Exocortis virus of citrus is a disease that attacks the skin of the lower stem. These symptoms can be seen with the advent of the scales at the bottom of the stem. Skin-scales can be spread and attack until the field plants. Other visible symptoms of stem height and orange trees are a little shorter or a dwarf compared to other trees. Fruit production in plants of this disease was going down. Exocortis disease control can be done by cutting the lower stem and bud grafting exocortis affected by using a sterile pruning tools. Also, it can also be done by spraying liquid pesticides are effective for this deadly disease vector.

5. Root and Stem Rot Jetty

Diseases of citrus and this one is caused by the fungus Phytophthora nicotinae var. parasatica. This fungus attacks cause visual symptoms such as leaf at the tip becomes smaller and yellow. In addition, the infected branches become dry and are usually not followed by new growth. This fungus also causes nonvisual symptoms that occur below the soil surface. Usually, the main roots are wound lengthwise with a brown center. As a result of this injury, the young roots will have skin that is easy to peel, so there are stains on the wood tang dark gray. Control of these diseases can be done by providing regular irrigation, improving soil drainage, and prune the plants or roots that have been infected quite heavily.

6. White powdery leaf

Diseases of citrus and this one is caused by the fungus Oidium tingitianum. Symptoms of this disease can be seen when the leaves have appeared bottom small patches of holes. Color patches are usually white or grayish white. If left unchecked, these patches will spread and diffused that be white coating that covers the leaves. This disease causes the leaves to become dry and fall off easily and the plant as a whole will look wilted and stunted.

This mealy leaf disease control can be done by way of environmental sanitation, removing infected plant parts by weight, and an effective fungicide spray to kill the fungus before. Liquids are the most effective fungicide kills fungi is Antracol Cupravit OB 70 WP or 21.

7. Fruit scabby

Scabby fruit disease is a disease of citrus caused by a fungus Sphaceloma fawetti. Begins with the emergence of symptoms of small clear spots on the fruit. Patches were gradually transformed into a kind of warts are colored yellow on the skin of the fruit. Warts were later to form a hard crust. The fruits of this disease will experience a growth disorder that forms men become frivolous and full of mange.

Scabby fruit disease control can be doing by destroying all infected plant parts by weight. In addition, an effective fungicide spraying, such as Cupravit OB 21 and Benlate, is believed to inhibit the growth of this fungus. Well, that various diseases of citrus. If the disease was not controlled from the beginning of the invisibility of symptoms, then be prepared to get very large losses. Given this discussion, I hope readers, especially those who are cultivating oranges can be more responsive when the symptoms described were already visible on your citrus. May be useful !

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