Thursday, July 5, 2012

Understanding Autism and Handling

One of the problems in the process of development is about parenting children with special needs, one of those with autism. Understanding autism itself is a condition that has a complex developmental disorder. Earlier Visible symptoms in those with autism is such a gap, or the inability in some areas. For example, the ability to perform the communication problem with the vicinity, gross motor skills and fine motor skills and sometimes have interference on intelligence issues.

Of understanding autism and its characteristics, showed that people with autism should be given special attention than those with normal growth. People with autism will begin to appear when the child was not yet three years old. A person with autism will be disorder in the brain. The process of this disorder is due to information processing in different parts of the normal children in general. Where in a patient with autism, the brain will experience distortion of nerve cells and their synapses when connecting and managing the performance of the brain.

Hearing Process

Based on the understanding of autism, could explain why the condition can happen to a child. There are basically three types of interference that causes distortion of brain and nerve cell function and become involved in these conditions. The first disorder is a disorder that causes qualitative constraints on a process of social interaction with autistic children. It is usually characterized by several things, such as among others:

  1. Lack of ability to create social relationships adequately. This condition is characterized by low eye contact a child with someone else, facial expressions that seem flat or cold. In addition, the movements of people with autism is becoming less focused.
  2. People with autism tend to live in their own world and comfortable without the need to interact with their peers.
  3. The lack of a sense of empathy and sympathy for the problem that happens to other people.
  4. The low social and emotional relationships that occur on a reciprocal basis.

Other disorders that appear and mark a patient with symptoms of autism called qualitative in communication problems. This will be indicated by some indications, such as :

  • Slow in the process of talking, and often not even able to grow. It is characterized by the absence of a person's efforts to create two-way communication with others.
  • Speech from the mouth of autistic usually not intended to create communication with others. But more to convey what's in their brains.
  • The language used in speech, often do not use language that is commonly used by other people. In addition, the language used tends to be delivered repeatedly.
  • Monotony in play, not able to show creativity and a low ability to mimic anything.

Other symptoms exhibited by a person with autism is a repeat pattern that is done repeatedly and maintained in the long term. This usually happens in terms of behavior, interests and activities. The condition can be seen from some of the symptoms such as :

  • Only have one interest in using a unique and redundant.
  • The activities tend to be ritual or routine, but has no significant meaning.
  • Occurrence of strange movements, typical and repeatedly.
  • Easy to be amazed at certain parts of an object they think is interesting.

For children who have not stepped on a three year old, the symptoms of autism can be identified through some things. For example by looking at the social interaction of a child. In addition, the symptoms of autism can be identified through the child when speaking and using language. This condition can also be identified by looking at how a child is likely to play a monotonous and less varied. While the autism disorder that occurs beyond Rett syndrome factors or childhood disintegrative disorder can be seen from some of the behaviors. These characteristics can be recognized among others of this attitude :

  • The occurrence of typical behavior and is not commonly done as anyone else.
  • More like a quiet life, and less like the interaction with others.
  • Compared to their normal, autistic individuals tend to spend less time playing.
  • While playing, not too much use of tools and capabilities in play tend to be limited.
  • People with autism are not able to perform an act that is fake or imitate an activity performed by others.

Caring for Autistic Children

Not all parents are willing to care for their child who had this autism disorder. Many of those who choose to institute a special care nursery as a place which bears this autistic disorder. In fact, this method is not completely right and good in fostering the growth of children with autistic disorder is. One of the best places for treatment of children with special needs is actually in the house. Because the house is a place where a child who needs special care can obtain full affection of the parents.

With home care, children with autism may have the opportunity in devoting everything they want. This could indirectly help the mental formation is good for people with autism. Due to the fulfillment of all their needs, children with autism can get peace. But in reality, not many parents who are willing and able to carry out the therapy program for autistic children at home. Some of the reasons put forward by those who do not do the therapy at home.

One reason is the feeling of inadequacy because they do not have enough knowledge in dealing with education and therapy for children with autism is. As a result, many parents who feel less confident if they have to care for children who need special treatment. Another reason stated is kuranya time and patience to deal with autistic children. Therefore, caring for people with autism are required patience more than a normal child's face.

For parents who want to do therapy for autistic children in the home, which must first be done is to determine the method to be used in therapy. In addition, it is also necessary for management in the process of therapy, which dealt with monitoring and guidance therapists. At home, it should also be provided a special room to do the therapy. Where this room should be free from distractions and have the temperature is cool and well lit. So that the child will be given therapy will be safe and feel safe in the room.

Some devices also support should be provided to support the therapeutic process. For example, visual aids such as a table or a child seat. Likewise, several tools that will launch the development of neural sensors of the child. When all these conditions can be provided, so parents should not hesitate to do the therapy at home. Besides being more efficient in terms of cost, the development of therapies can also be known in detail every time. More importantly, the child will not feel alienated by the environment as if they have to get treatment outside the home.


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