Saturday, July 14, 2012

Revisiting the Meaning of Hope

Hope is a dream that one day would, or would like to be realized. By having an expectation, then the lives of everyone will be accompanied by a dream that will take us to the true nature of wishful thinking. It's a dream we're going to be a man who has big goals. Expectations are not much different from what is called a dream. Its presence in the human mind will create a desire that has been planned with great maturity. Want to be something, would like to have something, like to see others become something some who fall into a dream.

It is very necessary in social life because it will affect us personally. Just look at if we want something, for example, want a motorcycle. To do that, surely we would dream of one day in advance that we wanted to have a motorcycle. The chimera can not be realized immediately, unless various conditions are met, such as insufficient material. However, what about that do not have excess material ? Chimera is a fun and entertainment that can be folded to make our spirit. If you have been dreaming to have a motorcycle then we'll work as hard as possible in order to have adequate financial. This can happen in two times, long and short, and it depends on how active we are to look for revenue in order to manifest that desire.

Having a desire that was just a dream come true, then what will we do? The first step is to be grateful for the permission of his motorcycle it can exist, though in a long time. However, that meaning and wisdom has of an expectation. That is one obvious example that is often adorned in our lives. There are many meanings that can be absorbed from the one word that has a million of these functions. Here are some other real world examples.

Parents hope Against Children

Each parent must have been wishful thinking to have children. After having children, whether it be one, two, or five people as well though of course accompanied by a hope of his children. This has become an event that can not be separated because of parents and children have a very strong fabric. Kindness and success are two main things from a delusion of the parents. Lots of prayers are offered for the good of their children so that someday when they reach adulthood and become independent that have child, the child will be expected and useful to the surrounding environment. The presence of children who are very awaited by many parents are very reasonable if indeed they want the best of her. However, not a few of the kids who turned out to deviate from what had been expected by the parents. Impact it will have an impact on the psychological parents themselves. Much can be done by parents in the realization of a hope for their children, of whom enroll, provide proper nutrition, to provide religious education from an early age. Those things that will eventually move to develop the mindset and behavior of children to be someone who could be useful for anyone.

Expectations Become a Better Person

Every human being would want to better their lives and grow up to be even better. That was a very reasonable thing to happen. Our personal lives as being among the modern great many factors that will make us worse, from mind to behavior. Indeed it became a dream of every human being wants to do. We want to be having a good character in the eyes of others, then we'll do the best we can. Take for instance the good behavior of those around. We hope to be a charming person when getting along with others is to keep the attitude and tried to act so that others like it. Samples can be taken if you have a problem, then do not result in a settlement with the quarrel. With an argument, then it will make us a bad self image. In addition, we would often expect to have a better mindset. It can actually be done with easy bother, to depend on our power to want to make a change. Keeping our mindset is not to bad to always think positive about anything.

Keeping a mindset as well as possible and keep the existing behavior when we take lessons in schools. There will be taught how to keep those two things to always do not hurt others. That way, should not be difficult for us to realize our dream to become a better person. If done, then everything will seem so easy and it can flow. During the self-determination was feeling strong, not impossible that all our dreams will eventually come true. All that needs to be encouraged with a thing called willpower and prayer.

Have a Good Life expectancy

Better life that can be interpreted into some kind. Most take both the achievement of the material, there is assumed both in terms of relationships with his family, which gives the perception there is also good in romantic relationships. All of that is true. However, all that can be pursed to form a life expectancy in terms of representing everything in one package. However, it is not good in life should always be filled with all the aspects mentioned. For example, only one was not achieved anything, as long as it does have a good and comfortable life to be lived.

We who have excess material will indeed be able to make their lives better. Affairs of food, clothing, and shelter are met. We are having a large family will have a good life if you can keep it. Relationships that will make a new family, it can be said to have been good if it has a comfortable family. All that can be used as a reason for an expectation that everything we do runs as good as possible. Wishful thinking or a dream is very important in a life and it will be realized in two ways, namely with God's help and effort. It is very closely related to the chimera with the Lord. We wanted something that would not be separated from God in order to permit it to be true.

In addition, our efforts also need to be considered because of our dreams will be realized by trying as hard as possible. God has seen our efforts to make this happen will be able to assess whether it is desirable to have deserved it or not, or worth having in the near or within an adjustable back. God can see and be able to make these expectations are good or not if we have it. That would be his secret. However, we can take a lesson from what we get, whether it has been obtained in a short time or in a relatively long time. All that has been planned with the best possible by the Creator for the good of mankind.

However, beneath it all, one conclusion can be drawn from this understanding is to never hesitate to make a wish, dream, or fantasy. That which will be a way for us to reach all of what we want.

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