Saturday, July 28, 2012

Pool Style Butterfly Technique

Not all swimmers can master the butterfly style perfectly. Swimming butterfly style into a style that is difficult to be demonstrated. The swimmer takes a long time to be able to master this one swimming style. But if it is controlled, it must give pride for The Swimmer. If viewed from above, The Swimmer as if flying with both hands as wings on the water surface. Swimming butterfly is one of style pool with chest position overlooking the water surface. This style is often called the butterfly stroke. To swim with these styles, swimmers require greater strength than the strength of other swimming styles.

Swimming the butterfly became the latest in game style swimming pool. This style was first introduced in late 1933 by U.S. swimmer named Henry Myers at the Brooklyn Central YMCA swimming race. After further study, swimming coach at the University of Iowa, David Armbruster, develop breaststroke to butterfly. He examined the problem of water resistance when swimming using the breaststroke. In 1934, Armbruster has improved the method arm toward the front when swimming using the breaststroke. In 1935, the swimmer from the University of Iowa, Jack Sieg, developed a new technique for swimming butterfly style. He developed techniques such as kicking the tail fin fish. Then, he demonstrated this by tilting the swimming techniques body to one side. Sieg call this technique as a technique kicks the tail fin of a dolphin. Not long ago, Armbruster and Sieg developing their technique into a very fast swimming style. The swing arm combined with two dolphin kicks.

Mechanical Pool Style Butterfly

For beginners, swimming butterfly style is difficult to learn. It takes patience and extra time to master. Of course in learning this style, swimmers need techniques to accelerate learning. Here is a technique swimming butterfly style that must be considered.

1. Leg movements

Leg movements used in this style is the movement of the foot dolphin called dolphin kick. To demonstrate this style, starting position both legs straightened out, sealed, and then swung at the same time. Do not bend your knees too deeply because it will make your lower body submerged swimmers. Both feet are positioned quite close together or somewhat sealed. Swimmers moving both legs together slightly above the water surface. Furthermore, the swimmer's legs dropped down simultaneously creating incentives in the future.

2. Hand movements

Swimmer's hand movements in this style consists of two kinds, namely underwater hand movements and hand movements on the water. Hand movements under water are interesting, and then immediately followed by a push. Pull and push motion is expected to form a keyhole. The goal is to increase thrust forward as the water around a swimmer who was always in the new water volume. Interesting movement in a semicircle from the outside, then inside.

After that, immediately thrust motion to the waist or groin swimmers. Thrust of this movement must be done very quickly and her back straight. Upon the motion of thrust, swimmers are prohibited from stopping the movement of the hand under the water and should immediately do the hand movements on the water. If a hand stops at the end of the drive, the top swimmer's body would sink so it will be hard and heavy hand movement on the water.

To make hand gestures above the water or also called recovery, swimmers have to spend as little energy as possible so that it will actually be recovery for swimmers. This is because the swimmer's hand will do the heavy duty, namely the hand under the water paddling. Way of doing this is to maximize the recovery movement accelerated in the late thrust movements so that the rest of the swimmers enough energy to perform the recovery movement. The position of the hand when doing the recovery is under the thumb and little finger on top. Palms facing outward.

This position must be maintained until both hands back into the water. When both hands into the water, swimmers can enjoy flying position and must immediately move his hands outward. Keep your head and upper body does not sink too deep. This can be done by holding down the second hand style swimmer. Distance of both hands when entering the water was shoulder-width apart.

3. Hip

To make swimming the butterfly, the swimmer must participate hip moves up and down. This style is not only done by foot, but by the whole body that produces a wavy motion in a dynamic and harmonious. Swimmers lift your hips up to the surface of the water when the hands enter the water. Swimmers do not lift too high, enough chin. If you lift too high, toward the front of the swimmer's speed will be reduced. The most important thing that must be considered by the swimmer's body is always positioned at the water surface.

4. Kick

At each cycle, occurs twice a kick. The first kick is done when the second hand into the water. A second kick in the middle of the stroke the hand with a little more powerful force. The second kick was easier for swimmers to perform recovery movement.

5. Position of the face

Position when the swimmer's face in the water should be brought down. Swimmers must bring his chin to his chest. This position can help the swimmer to glide quickly and straight. New swimmers face facing forward when taking a breath.

6. Breath

Swimmers have little time to breathe the air, when the swimmer lifted her and threw her head back toward the front. Swimmers are prohibited from doing this exercise for too long because it would interfere with the perfection of the recovery movement. Swimmers do not have to take a breath on every cycle. When a swimmer does not want to take a breath, his face must remain exposed to the bottom.

Equipment Needed When Pool Style Butterfly

1. Swimsuit

Swimsuits are designed from materials that do not absorb too much water and not too burdensome to facilitate swimmers when in the water. Swimwear for men is a special swimming clothes and headgear. Swimwear for women swimwear that is not transparent or not transparent and headgear. Hood function is to protect the hair or scalp of the pool water is too much chlorine.

2. Swimming goggles

Used by swimmers swimming goggles to protect eyes from irritation and the pain caused by a water pond. For minus-eyed swimmers, do not worry because now there is minus swimming goggles are sold in stores. Sometimes when swimming, swimming goggles are worn opaque or frosted. This can be overcome by using an anti-fog goggles or use anti-fog drops.

3. Pull buoy

Pull buoy is a foam that is used to learn swimming backstroke. Tool that helps novice swimmer butterfly so he does not easily sink is placed in between the legs and thighs or ankles. With this tool, the foot can be lifted swimmer to the surface of the water and swimmers become more focused on arm exercises. For beginners, swimming butterfly style is not easily mastered. Practice gradually advance. If diligently practiced, did not rule out the possibility of the Beginner Swimmers will master this style like a professional swimmer. Happy practicing !

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