Sunday, July 1, 2012

Learning materials Papers Psychology

Papers studying psychology is one of the media are widely used by psychologists to determine the relationship between the psychological condition of a person with learning activities. Thus, in the future we can create a good learning method on a child, using a psychological approach. In this paper, we also studied psychology can learn the history of why the study of psychology is the study conducted by psychologists. The study of the psychology of learning these concepts, has been known since 1885. Where in the year, namely a psychologist Ebbinghaus began his study that focuses on the concept of learning in terms of the psychological side of man.

Other studies are also widely used as ingredients in many papers study the psychology of this study done by the Bryan and Harter conducted in 1897 and 1899. In addition, there are still other studies conducted by Thorndike in 1898. In one study of psychology papers mentioned, that many psychologists who provide explicit recognition. This recognition of the condition of learning as an important thing to study the behavior of others. The opinion was expressed by Hilgard in 1956. And the opinion of this Hilgard received support from several other researchers such as Tollman, Guthrie and Hull.

The concept of educational psychology is basically a very important thing to be ruled by those working in education. The teacher or professor who is a party should be required to understand the concept. One of them is by studying this material in educational psychology papers. By studying the various psychological theories of learning, educators will be expected to not make mistakes and can run the process with the right education. Moreover, by knowing the concept of educational psychology, is expected to be raised by educators who have the quality and focus in teaching and also skilled at providing guidance.

This condition needs to be emphasized because in education, has always appeared every time a new paradigm. Paradigm was developed along with the emergence of new theories presented by experts in the world of education. This development was influenced by the growth process of the students, but also because of the effect of education itself or the so-called socio cultural.

In the current developments, there are several streams of educational psychology whose occurrence happened in quick succession. In general, there are three main streams that thrive in the concept of educational psychology. These three streams are :

Psychology Behavioristic

In this Behavioristic psychological theory, states that learning is a change in behavior. This change occurs because of the interaction between stimulus and response. A person is considered to have learned something if he can show changes in behavior. This is the same as interpret learning as a change in the students. This is mainly on the problem of the student's ability to behave in a way that the new use as a result of interaction between stimulus and response.

Behavioristic theory is also called the theory of Jil and Jack. In this theory states that the most important thing is input. Input and output are tangible stimuli in the form of response. Meanwhile, a process that takes place between stimulus and response, are not considered to be partially something that is important to note. because in this process, can not be observed.

Other factors considered important in this Behavioristic teoi the strengthening factor. Strengthening of all things that can increase the strength of the response. If the reinforcement is added, the response will be strengthened as a result. However, if the process of strengthening is reduced, then the response was still upheld.

In this behaviorism theory, there are three basic theory with principles, namely :
  • The object of psychology is behavior
  • All forms of behavior, be returned to the reflex
  • Importance of habit formation

Cognitive Psychology

Cognitive psychology is a study that talks about the scientific study of mental processes or thoughts. About the process of obtaining the information, presented and considered as a knowledge. Cognitive psychology, also known as information-processing psychology. Person's behavior, based on the way to know or think about a situation in which the behavior occurs. Kognitifi in psychology, there are three basic principles that form the basis of understanding. These three basic principles include active learning, learning through social interaction and learning experience gained through one's own.

Developmental theories of cognitive psychology, the gestalt is characterized by the emergence of tori developed by Weitheimer Mex. In the Gestalt theory, stated that the experience of its structured and shaped as a whole. In studying the cognitive theory is the most important thing to know is the concept of insight. That is a process of observation or understanding made suddenly on the relationship between the parts in a problem situation.

Humanistic psychology

Theory of humanistic psychology, it's been known since the '50s. Where this theory comes from the premise of existentialism that developed in medieval times. At the end of the '50s, some psychologists such as Abraham Masliw, Carl Roger and Moustakas Claark succeeded in establishing a professional association. This society is intended to conduct a study that specifically addresses the unique variety that exist in humans. example of self-concept, self-actualization, kesehahatan, desire, love, creativity, nature, egoism, and so forth.

The emergence of humanistic psychology is a reaction to the emergence of psychoanalysis and behaviorism flow. Humanistic psychology is also considered as a third force in psychology stream.In the process of developing the theory of humanistic psychology, it is very concerned about the human dimension in dealing with the environment they are human. Especially with the emphasis on freedom of expression and infividu to set their preferences, values, personal responsibility, autonomy, purpose and meaning. On this regard, James Bugental deliver on the five main arguments used in the humanistic psychology.

These five main arguments that include :
  1. Human existence that can not be separated in different components.
  2. Every human being has unique characteristics, especially in its relationship with another man.
  3. Humans have an awareness of himself when coming into contact with other people.
  4. Humans have a variety of options and could be responsible for the choices they make.
  5. Humans have consciousness and deliberately to seek meaning, value and creativity.

On the other hand, humanistic psychology has some criticism on the theory presented. Criticism, among other states, that the theory presented in this flow can not provide facilities or less able to provide predictions that are considered not a science.

The ideas of humanistic psychology is often used for the benefit of counseling and therapy. In addition, the flow is focused on the capacity of clients to be able to set yourself up as well as understanding the development himself. This flow also gives emphasis on the attitude of sincerity, mutual respect, and minimize the prejudice to assist individuals in obtaining answers to the problems they face. And assignment of mentors is to provide guidance so that the client can get the right answer.

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