Friday, July 27, 2012

Example of primitive tribe around the world

Today do not have an account Facebook? Primitive is anyway you. "Phrases like that often and commonly heard when there is someone who does not follow developments in technology. They are "isolated" from  world, in this case often considered primitive technology. So, what exactly is the meaning of the word primitive? Then, still do those in the primitive state of the art world is this? Based on the Dictionary, the primitive is a very simple situation : not developed (about civilization; retarded): culture medium; old (not modern of equipment): the weapons. More precisely, the primitive is a culture that has not known the outside world and far from civilization. Aftermost quarter usually rely on nature to survive.

There are many tribes scattered throughout the underdeveloped world. Even some of the behind the current quarter can still be found this has a terrible habit, the habit of eating human flesh or other known cannibals. In this article, the author will present some discussion about quarter of the world behind, including those that still do cultural cannibalism. Such as they were full? Here is the language.

Primitive tribe in the Amazon Rainforest

Nobody has to know exactly what the name of backward tribes who live in remote Amazon jungle, this America. However, their presence known along with the evidence obtained in the form of a photo of the accident pilot was flying over the Amazon forest. Quarter behind the number is made up of some of these people look frightened upon seeing the flying object that passes over it.

They opened fire from arrows and throw spears at the plane which he considers strange. However, despite being attacked, the pilot apparently did not want to miss this rare moment to perpetuate the tribe behind him, he is a snapshot of the camera lens. At this time, may not have research on this quarter, but with his knowledge of their existence, it could be no specific research on the quarter behind Amazon in the future.

Quarterly primitives in Africa

Quarter that are lagging in Africa called the Dogon tribe. Tribe living in the rural French West Africa is very far to civilization. But there are strange things that envelop this Dogon tribe culture. Yes, although classified as a primitive tribe, but their knowledge of the myriad mysteries of cosmology store interesting to examine. This is the first time it opened by a French anthropologist who has spent 16 years in his life time to know the cultural quarter. It was Marcel Griaule, who fortunate to have the knowledge secret from the tribe Dogon. The Dogon's secret knowledge of which was delivered by one of the heads of the tribes to be the knowledge of cosmology.

From the Dogon tribe so much knowledge in that story, the thing to make this anthropologist is knowledge of ksomologi stumped. Dogon tribe told him about the month with the surface dry and barren. Then, they tell about the planet Saturn bercincin called and told about the planet that has four large moon (satellite) that they have called Tolo Fund (a reference to Jupiter). Their knowledge of the tongue is not boarding it, because a moment later, they were told his knowledge of the star Sirius at length.

Secret knowledge of the Dogon tribe published by this anthropologist is still a public debate. However, the Dogon tribe of knowledge seen one eye can not remember not many tribes in the world to know about this cosmology in detail as does the knowledge of primitive tribes, Dogon.

Primitive tribe in Indonesia

Indonesia is known as one country with the world's largest forest area, other than the United States. Therefore, no surprise that Indonesia has a quarter behind. And not only a primitive tribe in Indonesia, but has a few quarters. Here are two of the tribes retarded who live in Indonesia.

1. Tribe Dayak Punan

Tribe Dayak Punan is one quarter of primitive living in Indonesia, precisely in most of the interior of Borneo. This tribe occupies ditengarai not only Indonesia, because some of them occupying some areas of Sabah and Sarawak in East Malaysia. Yes, the total population that occupies the Punan Dayak tribe of Indonesia distinction very much, which is about 8.956 souls in 77 locations scattered settlements. However, because most of their lives by hanging themselves from nature, in this case the forest, their number always decline every year due to increasing downward trend in forest land in Kalimantan.

Punan Dayak tribe is considered retarded because they do not mingle with modern culture as other tribes. They shut themselves from interaction with the outside world. They prefer to spend time in the caves and streams in the area of ​​Kalimantan. They are very nomadic existence and often avoid contact with people from the outside world.

Seen from the dining habits, Punan Dayak tribes tend to always eat anything raw. They do not have to cook their food. Root vegetables, tubers, and meat that they eat often dilahap in raw condition, even for meat usually they always under advance in the sun.

2. Fort Child Quarterly

Son of the quarter Fortress is another portrait of primitive life in Indonesia. This quarter spread in Jambi province. Just as the Punan Dayak tribe, no Quarter Fort Child often isolate themselves from the influence of the outside world and other people. They prefer to live in the forests of Jambi. To survive, they hang it all to nature. They eat any natural product, such as leaves, vegetables, and more. For meat, they usually abstain from meat from several animals successfully hunted, such as pigs, monkeys, bears, snakes, deer, and birds.

Until now, there are three different groups of Fortress This Quarter. The first group left in the forest and settled, a second group who live in the wild and nomadic, and the third group is living and settled in the region adjacent to human settlements in general.  From the side of faith, in their Quarter Fort Child believes strongly in the presence of fine spirits. Occurrence of what happens in most often associated with the main party spirit. Illness, accident, and others considered a form of spiritual anger. Thus, treatment and praises to avoid the wrath of the spirit was always they do in every activity.

Primitive tribe in Papua New Guinea

Other primitive tribe that its existence was already known Korowai tribe who lived and live in remote jungle of Papua New Guinea, the region directly bordering with Papua Province, Indonesia. This quarter has various strange customs and culture that is different from most people. One of the terrible habit of eating human flesh or cannibals.

Korowai tribe has a very unique home. They always build his house on a tree is very high. They think this way will eliminate the frequent attacks of wild animals roam. Buasa animal existence is to make this quarter of fear, but that they were members of the tribe who eat thus considered to be a witch more frightening. Yes, they are suppose have the magic power will massacred by members of other tribes for their meat and banquet food. The most disgusting of habits of cannibalism in the Korowai tribe is his favorite eat human brains (witch) in warm conditions.

Well, that's a little discussion about the existence of a primitive tribe in the world. Hopefully, what is presented recently can add your knowledge. Hopefully useful!

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