Monday, July 16, 2012

Definition and Functions of Star Binoculars telescope

Understanding telescope is a type of equipment used to assist remote sensing in order to observe the existence of objects in space. Thus, we can see the position of an object in space that can not be seen with the naked eye. Of understanding of telescope, shows that the tool has a form such as binoculars. Own binoculars used to look at an object from a great distance so it will appear more clearly. In terms of telescope binoculars also explained that it uses two positive lenses. Each of which serves as a lens objective lens and eyepiece. This is what distinguishes between the telescope with a microscope. At the telescope, the objective lens focal length is greater than the focal length eyepiece. Telescope itself is generally defined as an optical instrument used to view objects that are in far away places. For example, in the mountains or the stars, so they can look more closely and more clearly. It's been widely used since the 17th century. However, there is no record in history to explain as to who the inventor of the first object.

It's just that, on October 2, 1608, had recorded a man named Hans Lippershey trying to get a patent on a telescope he made. However, this Luppershey attempt failed because a rejection of the assessment team. Because, according to them, before Lippershey registering patents, has found many previously existing telescopes. So according to them, the telescope is not a patent of Lippershey. The next year, exactly in 1609, Galileo had to create a telescope that was then called the binocular stage. Many people who call it a Galileo telescope. After making these binoculars, Galileo and often make different types of telescopes until then managed to do some astronomical discoveries in the field. Discoveries is then made known in world history.

Broadly speaking, the telescope itself is divided into two broad categories. The first is a bias binoculars, binoculars are the type that is composed of several lenses. Whereas the second type is a reflective telescope, which is kind of binoculars are composed of several mirrors and lenses. To own bias binoculars, have several kinds. Among other astonomi telescope or binoculars, binoculars earth, binoculars binoculars stage and primed or binoculars. For the telescope itself has been described above, namely as a telescope used to view objects in space.

In addition telescope, which is classified as a type of ordinary binoculars are binoculars of the earth. Earth binoculars also known as field glasses or binoculars yojana. Binoculars earth able to create the final image that is upright in the direction of the original object. This can be obtained by utilizing the third convex lens is placed between the objective lens and eyepiece. This third convex lens function to perform a reversal of the shadow, but gave no magnification effect. That is why, a third lens with a lens is called a commutator.

For the telescope invented by Galileo binoculars is called the stage. Binoculars of this type is often also known as the Dutch telescope or binoculars tonil. This telescope is able to provide the final image is upright and magnify objects. Used trick with two lenses, the lens serves as a positive objective lens and negative lens into the eyepiece. Last is the binoculars prisms, which uses an inverting lens. Where the inverting lenses will be able to produce the final image is upright. As a result, binoculars tend to be longer earth. To avoid it, then do the replacement premises inverting lenses using two right-angled prism at the foot. Prism is placed between the objective lens and eyepiece. Serves as an inverting prism image by providing a perfect reflection.

Hubble telescope

The largest telescope in the world is called the Hubble telescope. The telescope is located at the Yerkes Observatory is located in the bay kawasn William Wisconsin, United States. Telekop object lens itself has a diameter measuring 1 m. That is why, this telescope is capable of capturing large amounts of light to enter into it. The telescope can be used to make observations of objects directly. Where in this case, the eyepiece will serve to enlarge and see the shadows formed by the objective lens, as well as on the microscope.

Typically, direct observation using a small telescope or binoculars do to things that are special. In addition, the telescope which is owned by research institutes usually do not use the eyepiece. The function telescope, as well as aiming the camera lens to magnify objects. Thus, our eyes will be easy to find objects whose shape looks small when viewed with the naked eye.

Observatory Boscha

In Indonesia alone has a place to make observations using the space telescope. The observation is referred to the existing premises Boscha observatory in Lembang, West Java. Bosscha Observatory was built by the Dutch government through Nederlandsch Indisdhe Sterrekundige Star Association Vereniging or the Dutch East Indies. The purpose of establishment of this observatory itself is to advance the science of Astronomy in the Dutch East Indies. Development research institute was conducted on land owned by Karel Albert Rudolf Bosscha, which is the Malabar tea plantation bosses. In addition to donating the land, Bosscha also promised to provide funds to buy a telescope that will be used in the research institutes. That is why, the agency then known as Bosscha Observatory, which is a form of respect for the services of Karel Albert Rudolf Bosscha.

Construction of the observatory itself lasts for five years. Beginning in 1923, and completed in 1928. After standing, the observatory is doing his first international publication in 1933. However, along with the course of World War II in which Indonesia among the victims, the organization of research activities carried out are then also terminated. After the war ended, the observatory was damaged and he did a total renovation so that the observatory could be back in operation.

Subsequently, on October 17, 1951, NISV handed management of the observatory to the government of Indonesia. And after the Bandung Institute of Technology established in 1959, the Observatory Bossha be eating as part of the ITB and used for learning activities and formal research. Bosscha own observatory at present has a five-telescope which has the function of each. These five telescopes include the Zeiss double refractor telescopes, Schmidt telescope the Milky Way, Bamberg refractor telescope, Cassegrain telescope refractor telescope GOTO and UNITRON.

For the latter telescope, is often used to doing observations on the emergence of the new moon or month. Where this usually occurs when entering the month of Ramadan to determine the beginning and end of fasting. Because, most of the people of Indonesia are Muslim majority use a calendar based on the circulation of the new moon to determine these days.

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