Sunday, July 1, 2012

Correlation of Employee Performance with Corporate Objectives Achievement

Terms of employee performance related to the success of an employee in performing the duties of the company. The Company is necessary to evaluate employee performance at various levels and positions in the company's employees. It is important to program human resources development plan (employees) are maximal in the future.

Definition of Employee Performance

Whether or not the company's goal is achieved is determined by the performance of its employees. Because employees are the main actors who perform tasks achievement of the company. Thus, the company's goal will be achieved if there is a maximum effort made by employees in the company.

So, what is the employee's performance ? There are several definitions of employee performance, are as follows :

In a book titled "Performance Management", Agus Dharma says that the performance of an employee (employee) is something that is accomplished employees, employee achievement, or ability to work relating to the use of office equipment. In a book titled "Performance Evaluation of HR", A.A. King Mangkunegara Anwar said that the performance of the employee (job performance) is the result of the quality and quantity achieved by an employee in carrying out their duties, according denan responsibility given to him.

In a book entitled "The Theory of Public Administration", Harbani Pasolog quoted Bambang Kusruyanto which states that performance is the work of individual employees within an organization. Stephen Robbins (translated by Harbani Pasolog) states that performance is the result of evaluation of the work performed by employees compared to previously established criteria. Based on these definitions above, the authors can conclude that the performance of the employee is an employee's ability to be able to complete tasks kepegawaiannya with good quality and within the time allowed.

Performance of employees who are positive will give a positive image to the company. Thus, the company is considered competitive and dare to compete with other companies engaged in similar efforts. Positive performance of employees who will provide a sense of optimism to the company in implementing the company's development breakthroughs, both for the merger, expansion, and acquiring other companies.

While the negative performance of employees who will actually hinder the achievement of corporate objectives, it may even lower the company's image in the eyes of competitors. Hence the fundamental importance of employee performance in achieving corporate objectives, it would require efforts by companies to improve the performance of employees.

Factors that Influence Employee Performance

The employees in carrying out tasks works not stand alone, but is closely related to the level of job satisfaction, benefits, education, skills, and comfort in the company. Donnelly, Gibson, and Invancevich in "Partner Lawyer" describes some of the factors that affect an employee's performance, which is as follows.

1. Expectations about the rewards

An employee will have good performance if he gain the reward that matches what he gave to the company.

2. Encouragement

Encouragement or motivation may come from outside or from within the company. The lure of promotion will improve the performance of an employee. So also with the need to be met in the family will give you an injection of spirit to an employee in order to work properly.

3. Ability (ability)

Capabilities possessed by an employee will affect the spirit of a person in carrying out job duties. An employee who has more capabilities that will attempt to demonstrate his ability to the company in the hope of promotion, increase in compensation, acquisition incentives, and others.

Furthermore, are there measures that can be done by the company to improve employee performance ? Efforts to improve the performance of employees is not an easy thing to do by the company. The company takes the time to take a decision on what action should be done in an effort to boost the performance of an employee.

Employee Performance Improvement Efforts

There are several things that must be considered by the company in its efforts to increase employee performance, are as follows.

1. Determine the valuation benchmarks

Normally, companies make the achievements by an employee as a reference the presence or absence of an increase in employee performance. The determination of these benchmarks should be objective. So, in this manner must be disposed of nepotism all the way by the policy evaluator.

2. Reference valuation

The existence of a reference that is easy to understand and be understood by the employees is very important. Companies need to inform the boundaries where the referenced employee performance appraisal. In this case, the employee should be informed that the company will or is conducting an assessment of employee performance. This situation is important to note to avoid any misunderstandings between employees and employers.

3. Consistent

Companies must be consistent on policies that have been set to achieve corporate objectives. Inconsistencies of the policy the company has been established will result in confusion for employees.

To improve the performance of employees, the company must be wise in assessing the performance of his employees. Assessment should be objective, not subjective. Must be thorough. The company not only see, but also needed to hear.

In this case, the company also must understand and know everything there is to be a complaint that results in poor work performance, such as the following.

1. Delay in payment of remuneration (salary)

This situation can lower morale because they feel less valued by the company. Their services for a month against the company, are considered less important by the company.

2. Uncomfortable working environment

The existence of competition among the employees in seeking the attention of the company (employer) can not create a conducive working atmosphere. This condition can cause a cold war between the employees. Unfair competition can lower morale, so the impact on the performance and quality of work.

3. Lack of attention

The existence of corporate indifference to the conditions of the employees, could loosen the company's relationship with its employees. In this condition the employees, just really feel being an employee. They work just to meet their economic needs. There is no desire to do more because TIDA attention.

However, the most important of the various efforts to improve employee performance is the existence of the company to kryawan award for services to the company. The award can be given to the company's most important employees are as follows.

1. Salary

Compensation benefits (salary) in accordance with the work of employees, payment timeliness, and appropriateness of the amount paid when the signed agreement, may lead to improved performance of employees.

2. Praise

Compliment given the company to its employees, its own will boost the performance of employees. The employees will feel valued and appreciated by the company. This condition could spur employees to improve its performance in the company.

3. Harmonious working atmosphere

Harmonious working atmosphere, both between companies with employees, and relationships among employees may increase a person's spirit in the work. Workplace a better environment and can be used as second homes for employees.

If all three of the above are met by the company, employees will automatically work with full responsibility and sincerity in carrying out the duties of the company. By itself, the performance of employees will increase as well and perfect. Thus, the company's objectives can be achieved with a maximum.

If the employee's performance can be run properly and in accordance with the objectives of the company so all parties can benefit and feel disadvantaged. Benefits to be derived by an enterprise of which will facilitate the company in making the company's development plans and decision-making decision.

Benefits to be gained by employees can vary, including promotion, promotion, salary increases, acquisition bonus and incentives.

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