Tuesday, June 12, 2012

What is the Down Syndrome ?

Down syndrome is known in English as Down syndrome, is actually not the name of a disease, but a kind of genetic disorder. According to wikipedia.org, down syndrome is a condition of mental retardation and physical development of children caused by the development of chromosomal abnormalities which are formed due to the failure of a pair of chromosomes to separate from one another when there is division.

What and how these disorders can happen to anyone ? Can the disorder be prevented ? Let's explore further to understand it.

History of the discovery of Down Syndrome

Down syndrome was first known in 1866 by Dr. John Langdon Haydon Down a British physician. Down syndrome is a genetic disorder that occurs on chromosome 21. It is known that the number of chromosome 21 that if in normal circumstances only two turned out to be 3. An extra chromosome that is in line to-21 resulted in a weak muscle tone. This genetic abnormality was found on average one in 700 live births (babies born alive).

The discovery of Dr John Down was originally presented in a paper entitled Observations on the Ethnic Classification of Idiot. In the paper Dr. John makes the classification of different types according to the conditions idiot ethnic characteristics. Abnormalities on chromosome 21 that have an impact on the physical characteristics that resemble the Mongoloid ethnic body is relatively short, with a smaller head is relatively flat nose was then called mongolism.

However, experts from the United States and the Europeans does not agree with naming it. Around the 1970's they revised it and renamed it as the genetic disorder is Down's late founder. Until now, the medical world uses the term Down syndrome or Down syndrome to refer to the disorder.

Characteristics of Disabled Down Syndrome

Often do not realize when a child is born with Down syndrome. Symptoms of this disorder tend to be seen clearly. In general, there are typical signs or symptoms appear certain. However, sometimes even totally invisible. Physically, people with Down syndrome have less than perfect head shape, which is usually relatively smaller than normal size or in medical terms is called microchepaly. Feature of the face is the typical form, especially on the eyes, nose, mouth and ears. In addition, the fingers tend to be shorter and fatter, while the distance first and second fingers on both hands and feet are relatively wider.

In people with Down syndrome are also present dermatological disorders, where the skin looks wrinkled. In the process, persons with Down syndrome are also potentially declining organ functions such as vision, hearing, or other physical abilities.

Genetic abnormalities in people with Down syndrome also makes a number of non-physical limitations. Among the various non-physical limitation is the low level of intelligence (IQ), which is only in the range of 50 to 70 or below normal by the standards used in intelligence tests. Persons with Down syndrome also have properties easily mimic the behavior of those around him.

These properties are very risky / worrying if not monitored. Referring to the nature of it, children with Down syndrome are less likely to develop if only to socialize with other people with down syndrome.

Causes and Prevention of Down Syndrome

So far scientists have not been able to ascertain the cause of the growth in the number of chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus. Generally, only experts can detect several conditions that need to be aware because the risk of having a child with Down syndrome pregnancies in women who are aged over 40 years and pregnancy in women who had delivered a child with Down syndrome.

It is unfortunate that the development of chromosomal abnormalities in Down syndrome can not be prevented or treated. The only thing to do is find out the condition early, ie by examining the chromosomes in early pregnancy.

Chromosome analysis can be performed with the examination of amniotic fluid at about 14-16 weeks of gestation (known as amniocentesis) or by taking a little part of the placenta to the fetus at about 10-12 weeks of gestation. Through the way that the growth abnormalities of chromosomes can be diagnosed earlier. May not change things, but at least parents and families will have a mental readiness.

Although it has yet to get a bright spot, experts in the field of medicine are constantly doing research to find the exact cause and how to prevent disorder down syndrome, also called trisoma 21 this concern.

Be a Friend for People with Down Syndrome

Down syndrome is a disorder not end someone's life, especially when the Giver of Life is an opportunity. The most important thing needed by persons with Down syndrome is the acceptance of family, neighborhood communities, as well as the wider community. Families who have children with Down syndrome need to know as deeply as possible about this disorder so that it can accept them willingly.

Children with Down syndrome should be embraced and given special attention with great affection. Families also need to recognize the abilities of children with Down syndrome, such as dancing, playing music, sports, and so forth. Family and loved ones can help train him so that would be the maximum capacity.

Families also contribute to raising self-esteem in children with Down syndrome. Thus, children with Down syndrome will have a better future. The hope, of children with Down syndrome also can live independently in the future. However, persons with Down syndrome also have the same rights with those born to normal.

Experience has proven that children who have Down syndrome, proper treatment can have a proud achievement. Not long ago a person with Down syndrome from Indonesia suddenly famous after incised sporting achievements at the World Special Olympics held in Athens in Greece in July 2011. Girl swimming gold medalist at the branch was named Stephanie Handojo (21 years). Stephanie's family is very caring and truly supports and guided him since his childhood.

At an age where technology has grown rapidly, we can find information on down syndrome more easily. Much easier than the previous decades. The beginning of our society totally blind about the existence of this disorder, now can get information and become more caring. Current through the virtual world has also appeared communities that have concerns in persons with Down syndrome. Although the government has not provided adequate support, the creative community has built up a network for mutual support and share experiences. In Indonesia has also been formed which aims to facilitate a community of persons with Down syndrome and their parents or families who have children with Down syndrome.

Among these communities are ISDI (Down Syndrome Association of Indonesia) and Potads (Association of Parents of Children with Down Syndrome). Through the community of parents and families with Down syndrome children can get information and share experiences and support each other. In these meetings, usually there are also medical experts, educational experts and teachers for children with special needs, as well as sympathizers who helped provide support. Well, for those of us who were born normal, why do we not begin to show our sympathy and empathy for people with Down syndrome.

Many ways can be done so that we can support them. Among them, we can provide moral support for children with Down syndrome and their families, to help distribute information about their whereabouts to the public either directly or through the media, providing service to the train for skills, down syndrome children, and so forth.

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