Friday, June 22, 2012

The Wailing Wall Jerusalem - The historical value for some Religion

The Wailing Wall Jerusalem. Wall is part of a building. Serves to separate the walls of the building, also the room in every building. In addition, the wall or walls also serve to strengthen a house and have other functions, namely to increase the aesthetic value of the home. In the history of mankind, the wall had become political borders. For example, the Berlin Wall in Germany, which occurred during the Cold War separating West Germany, the pro-United States, and East of Germany, that's followed by the Soviet Union.

In Jerusalem, a place consecrated by the three religions, namely
Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, there is a wall that is considered sacred by Jews and Muslims. The wall has a history of each religion. The wall was a stone wall located on the west of Jerusalem, rises about 18.9 meters above the ground, about 485 meters in length, then destroyed and now the rest is just 60 meters.
Wailing Wall For the Jewish

Jews saw the wall is part of the remnants of the Jewish temple that has stood for hundreds of years. The temple is rebuilt in the year 19 BC by order of King Herodos and is called "Second Temple". At the time of arrival of the Romans into Jerusalem, the temple was destroyed and left the rest just a wall. Since the destruction of the building, the Jews were coming in and crying in front of the rest of their temples of worship, mourn, and pray, so that the wall was too called The Wailing Wall.

Naming the Wailing Wall is coming from non-Jewish people who see the many Jews who weep there. While the Jews themselves call it a Tembol western wall, or HaMaaravi Kotel in Hebrew.

In addition, Jews do not believe that this wall were destroyed because the Shekhinah dwells therein (divine presence). So, in addition to the wailing wall in front of the Jewish people were praying, believing that the God who inhabits the place will grant her prayer. After the collapse of the temple, the Jews did not build a shrine to worship anymore, so the wall is used as a place of worship of the Jews. In addition, in the year 123, of the Jews was not allowed to be in the area.

Eventually, the wall was more famous as the "weeping" of the Jews. They can pray or just wail (express complaints), because Jews believe that the wall was as God's ear to hear all their complaints and requests. Western Wall is a symbol of thousands of years of Jewish history and the center of attention, and the longing of the Jews will their past glory. Wall was also visited as a pilgrimage site and worship by Jews around the world.

In fact, Pope John Paul II becomes first pope to pray at the Wailing Wall. The Pope also apologized for persecution from Catholics to Jews for centuries. Each year, the wall is visited by tourists, both Jews themselves, Christians and Muslims.

The structure of the Wailing Wall

The main part of the wall, where people go to pray, about 60 meters long and made of limestone meleke. Most of the stones weigh up to 1,814.4 pounds, and one of the largest stone called western rock, weighing over 500,000 pounds.

Before it was destroyed, the walls of which a length of 485 feet, hidden by the buildings that stood around him. As of June 1967, the wall which can be accessed no more than 28 meters. On the front there is a hallway with a 3.5 meter wide gravel road, which borders the slums. Wall above the ground consists of 24 rows of different stones and different times. High total to 18 meters or 6 feet above the height of the Temple Mount.

In 1967, conducted excavations of 19 lines of stone found buried in the ground again. Bottom row of stones together, or united with the natural rock Tyropoeon Valley. In 1968, the land before the wall was excavated and found two rows of stones from the Second Temple period were buried Herodian era.

Overall it seems the Western Wall stands on seven layers of the enormous stone into the foundation. Consists of 21 rows of stones in the soil and 24 rows of stones on the ground. Figures 7, 21 (3), and 24 (6) has its own religious values in the Jewish tradition.

Section above the wall that consists of four rows of smaller ones, derived from Roman and Byzantine periods. Certain parts at the top of the additional construction or repair of the Islamic occupation until the 13th century. Jewish pilgrims who come from all over the world for centuries has always tried to take the stones of the Western Wall, because they strongly believe it is part of the First and Second Temples.

The stones in situ have an average width of 1 meter and 3 meter long, but some of the stones reach a length of 12 meters and the weight can reach 100 tons. Chances are they are also held in Goa Zedkiah excavation, near the Damascus Gate.

Praying at the Wailing Wall

Jews from all countries, and also tourists from all religious backgrounds commonly pray at the Wailing Wall, because it is believed to have "ears of the Lord." People who can not pray directly on the wall can transmit or use the Kaddish prayer, a special prayer for the Jews.

Sent the prayer written on a paper and tucked in the crevices of the walls is called kvitelach. Wailing Wall can be visited any time of day. Visitors are usually searched thoroughly for security purposes. Women of any religion, to respect the Jewish law, must wear decent clothes. There are separate entrances for men and women, although they can regroup in the wall.

Wailing Wall - Wall Al Buraq For Muslim Ummah

For Muslims, the wall is also part of the history of religion. Muslims know the wall is the name of Al-Buraq Wall, named after the winged horse driven by the time of the Prophet Muhammad and Mis'raj Isra events.

Isra and Mis'raj is a special journey of the Prophet Muhammad Mosque to the Aqsa Mosque for Shidratul Muntaha then rose to meet his Lord, Allah SWT. Al Buraq was leaning against the wall of Al Aqsa Mosque, the Prophet Muhammad climbed to Sidhratul Muntaha.

Many Muslims also believe that the wall is a part of the ancient Al-Aqsa Mosque, and that the new Jews began praying at the wall until at least the 16th century. Many Muslims also believe that the wall has nothing to do with ancient Judaism.

For Christians, this wall also has an important meaning. In 2000, Pope John Paul II becomes first pope to pray at the Wailing Wall. The Pope also apologized for persecution from Catholics to Jews for centuries. For Christians later considered the Wailing Wall as well as a place of worship and places of pilgrimage.

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