Saturday, June 23, 2012

Scientific Writing Techniques - Do not underestimate Scientific Writing

 Techniques or ways of scientific writing papers, either in the form of papers, the thesis, theses, and dissertations have different tendencies. For example, in the way of writing quotes, writing a bibliography, and so forth. That is because the writing of scientific papers depends also on the perceptions and demands of teachers who become mentors. This is certainly a confusion for students, who at the time of examination and criticism of the study were given advice or told to do reivisi / improvement of writing.

In the writing of scientific work is needed systematic and consistent. For example, the write source citations, must be followed by writing the same way. To be more clear, let's follow the discussion on the techniques of writing scientific papers as follows :

Scientific Writing Techniques

Thesis, and dissertations written or print to paper sizes HVS with 70-80 grams, which is used is A4 size. In writing scientific papers there are rules to be followed, there are:

Before the advent of computers, writing scientific papers at universities use a typewriter assistance. Letters used is pica. Currently, the writing of scientific papers using a typewriter is gone. Replaced by a computer that is more practical and efficient process. The technique of writing scientific papers using a computer using Times New Roman font type with size 10-12 pt. The rows are spaced a distance of two (double), applies to writing the column content. Limit the right edge to the left and top to bottom is 4 cm - 4 cm and 3 cm - 3 cm.

At the writing of new palagraf, the first word should be indented, that is by using a single tab. At this writing the chapter title should be written with capital letters, underlined or without the use of dots. Each subs title should begin with capital letters, except for the conjunction. Serial number for each sub titles using Hindu-Arabic numbers or the alphabet.

Examples of the numbering :

The first way : I., A., or 1. or a. or 1) or a) or (1) or (a). The second way : I. or 1. or 1.1 or 1.1.1, and so on.  In writing scientific papers, the numbering should be done consistently, can not be changed. Think about what kind of numbering will be selected.

There are some weaknesses in the way of numbering them. In the first way, allowing the emergence of the same number in the same chapter. While the second way, will bring a lot of numbers that make the limitations in deciphering. At the writing of numbers does not need further inside, can be typed straight. Decision number should be limited, not to overdo it. This is because, in principle, a scientific work is more often used models for writing essays.

Scientific Writing Techniques for Cover Outside and In

Here is the manner and order of writing scientific papers on the outer cover :
Title of research should be written using all capital letters, do not use abbreviations. If there is a subtitle, so every word begins with a capital letter. The purpose of writing scientific papers, for example, wrote: "Asked to meet one of the requirements to obtain a Bachelor of Science Communication".
  • Name of the author.
  • NPM (Number of Students).
  • Name of the faculty.
  • University logo.
  • Year of manufacture or the writing of scientific papers.
  • The technique of writing on the cover in exactly the same as the writing found on the outer cover.
  • Scientific Writing for Thesis Statement Page

Page statement was made as a form of a statement that the writing of scientific work is original, in accordance with the standards and rules of the ethics of science. Here is a picture of a statement of scientific work :

1. Page statement for the thesis

Page statement for the thesis is as follows :
  • With this letter, I declare that this thesis is entirely the result of my own work. No part in it is an act of plagiarism from the works of others.
  • Later, a statement signed by the creator (author) by stating the place, date of manufacture, and the full name of the author.

2. Page statement for thesis and dissertation

Page statement for thesis and dissertation are as follows :

With this letter I stated that scientific research thesis / dissertation, entitled ".....", together with all its contents are completely my own work. No plagiarism or citation by using methods that do not correspond with the prevailing ethic in the world of science education / science. Given this statement, I am ready to risk or penalized if later it found no violation of scientific ethics in my scientific work, or the lawyer claim of the other party to the authenticity of the scientific work that I have made it. "

Later, a statement signed by the creator (author) by stating the place, date of manufacture, and the full name of the author.

Scientific Writing for Approval Page

Page agreement is a special sheet of signatures as a form of approval from the supervisor, department head, and fields of study. Writing on behalf of supervisor, department head, and field studies should be written in full to include academic titles and lowercase letters, except the first letter. For example, Prof. Dr. or M Ed, M. A., and so on.

Scientific Writing for the page References

Some points that should be listed in the bibliography page is as follows :

Writing the name of the author contained in the bibliography starts with the last name followed by first name or can be abbreviated (both the name of Indonesia and foreign names). Writing names in the bibliography is an international standard.

Also included publication year, title of book, or written sources written by underlining or italics. Also include the city where the publisher and the name of the publisher. Likes :

Mulyana, Smith, Solahudin., Communication Research Methods. Bandung: PT. Teen Rosdakarya, London, 2007. In writing scientific papers, these data are used as a source not only limited to books. However, the source can be found on the outside of the journal or journals or books.

Here is an explanation and a way of writing :

Writing a list of libraries that come from the same book with the previous explanation. Writing a bibliography of the source of the journal follows the order: author's last name, first name author (can be abbreviated), year of publication or printed (saved in parentheses), "the title of the article" (written with quotation marks), journal titles underlined, issue number or volume of the journal (written with Arabic numerals and underlined, do not use abbreviations such as "vol"), page numbers from the first till the end without using
abbreviations. If the source of books and journals, the writing of the source:

Obtained from the source document, for example, from research or projects or other related institutions. Way of writing :

Teacher Education Development Project (1983). Assessment Report of Teacher Education Development Project. Jakarta: MOEC. Sources of scientific research that has been written (thesis, or dissertation) writing sample that is : Rahulasmoro, B. (2009). Signs of meaning in the work of Abu Tisna Sanjaya Installation Cycle. A Qualitative Study in Semiotics Approach. Thesis at Bandung Islamic University: unpublished.

If the source is obtained from the internet, can vary its data source. For individual works, the way of writing: the author / editors. (Year), title (edition), (type of medium). Available : in the internet address (date of access). For Internet data from a collective work: the author / editor, year, the source (edition), type of media, publishers. Available: in the internet address (date of access) For data on the internet from the journal article: Author. (Year). title. mama journals (media types), volume (year published), p. Available: the address on the internet. (Date of access).

For Internet data from email messages : Sender (email address of the sender). (Year, date and month). the title of the message. email to the recipient (email recipients). Given a description of the writing of scientific papers, is expected to help researchers in compiling their reports. Hopes also be able to understand the technique of writing scientific papers, so what is the purpose to obtain a degree can be achieved smoothly without any obstacles.

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