Saturday, June 16, 2012

The phenomenon of the Earthquake in Chile

Have you ever heard of the phenomenon of earthquakes in Chile?  Yes, this is indeed the last few years there has been a natural fenoma with symptoms of the shift range of slab fracture of the earth. Almost in all parts of the world phenomenon of natural disasters, whether it's a volcano erupting, hurricanes tornadoes, flash floods, earthquakes, and tsunamis, especially to the parts of the world that there are tectonic plates of the earth in the form of active faults. Natural events such as the movement of tectonic between the slab of South American and Nazca tectonic plates that causes earthquakes in Chile with a velocity shift of 80 mm per year.

Chile is the name of a country that gained independence from Spanish rule on September 18,1818. Has an area of  756.626 square kilometers and is located in the western part of South America. The region is bordered by countries such as Bolivia, Peru, and Argentina. At present, the population of about 17 million more. State of Chile in a position adjacent to the two plates of the earth fault, the faulting and fracturing Nazca South America, Chile including the cause of the earthquake-prone.

In the annals of the world's natural disasters, earthquakes have occurred in Chile in 1960 which resulted in loss of life by 1655 the number of people. How not to the strength of 9.5 on the Richter scale, the disaster was crowned as the biggest earthquake in the earth until now. Due to the strength of the quake was so great, not only destabilize the region of Chile, but also has caused waves reached up to the entire Pacific Ocean basin and spread down to Hawaii, the Philippines, and Japan, which also resulted in loss of life as many as 61 people.

Brief notes Earthquake in Chile

Beaches in Chile does have a story to be endless if the phenomena associated with earthquakes. Recorded since 1973, most did not have an earthquake with a strength of more than 7 on the Richter scale. At tahun1960, had an earthquake in Chile with the power of 9.5 on the Richter scale and caused thousands of deaths. Not only was the victim of people who are along the coast of Chile, but also have caused casualties along the beaches bypassed by the Pacific Ocean basin.

Story of the next earthquake in Chile occurred in 1992, still in the Chilean coast. This time, the earthquake was 8.5 on the Richter scale. Epicenter of the earthquake in 1992 is located 870 kilometers from the earthquake that occurred in 2010. From this earthquake, the resulting tsunami as high as 9 feet and swept across the coast of Chile and the impact on other beaches are located on the Pacific Ocean basin.

Then there is also an earthquake in 2010 with a strength of 8.8 on the Richter scale, on February 27. With the magnitude of it, of course, highly qualified for the tsunami. Correct me, waves up as high as 6 feet and causing a tsunami to the whole beach area is located in the Pacific basin, from the beach in Japan, the Philippines, to the beaches to the east of Indonesia such as Jayapura, Biak, Manokwari, Sorong , and Halmahera.

The most recent is the story on the Chilean earthquake which occurred on March 26, 2012 at 05:37:06 pm. Recorded, the earthquake which occurred in March 2012 was the longest earthquake of earthquakes that have occurred since 2010, with about a minute longer shocks. One minute is enough to shake the whole building in the capital of Chile. Earthquake with a strength of 7.1 on the Richter scale centered about 16 miles north of Talca.

The story of the Earthquake in Chile 2010On Saturday morning, there was tremendous panic. Shock due to earthquake in Chile caused the collapse of houses and other solid structures. Many bridges collapsed and there are also some cars that get into the cracks of the earth. The coast of Chile, seen a wave of low tide up to a dozen meters to the middle of the ocean. Shortly thereafter, visible coils are compact and the waves rose
up to 6 meters.

This incident happened when the people of Chile are still asleep in bed, no longer hayal already raised the waves toward the shore and eventually swept up the coast for miles inland. Like a tsunami wave that knows no mercy, hitting everyone in front of him, until finally after a strong push all the objects, houses, cars, and the man who was asleep, pull back the tidal wave it toward the ocean, as if to swallow them dab include it into the bowels of the ocean.

When the days become bright, clearly visible to the eyes what a yield lantaknya coast, settlements, roads and buildings razed to the ground solid. A lot of people screaming for the lost beloved's arms. Shown in their view, the destruction of homes and their property because of the devastating earthquake followed by tsunami waves. The death toll from the disaster reached thousands of lives.

Information comes from a director of the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center named Charles McCreery said that the incidence of earthquakes in Chile could lead to huge tsunami waves are possible if the strength of 8.8 on the Richter scale could also hit the beaches in the ranks of the Pacific Ocean. Sure enough, that the tsunami waves caused by earthquakes in Chile have hit a few beaches in Asia, Australia, and New Zealand within 24 hours after the earthquake.

Of a report distributed by the U.S. Geological Research Center, the aftershocks have occurred 24 times. Among the aftershocks, there was a magnitude 5 to 6.9 on the Richter scale. This effect adds to the destruction of the buildings and of course the people of Chile increased the panic caused by the aftershocks.

Earthquake in Chile in 2010 was almost equal to the destructive earthquake that occurred in Chile in the 60's, with so many victims. Because not only shook the coasts of Chile, but also destroys some of the beaches in Asia, west coast of America, and Hawaii beach sweep. With the power full of earthquake in history, which is 9.5 on the Richter scale, the disaster occurred on May 22, 1960.

Earthquake in Chile Shifting Direction of Qiblah

Reported by NASA that the earthquake in Chile in 2010 has resulted in a shift in the Earth's axis of rotation and speed of the earth. However, if the news from the Reuters news launch, an astronomer from the National Aeronautics and Space Institute (LAPAN), Prof. Dr. Thomas Djamaluddin, said, "There is no shift in the direction of Qibla by shifting slabs or other reasons. Statement was probably misquoted or wrong perception, but potentially disturbing society."

Earth's axis shifts are reported by NASA can be interpreted also have shifted the position of the Qiblah (prayer direction benchmark) the Muslim prayer ritual. This was denied by Prof. Dr. Thomas Djamaluddin. With a logical argument nan clever, he argued about the news that the direction has shifted about 30 centimeters more to the right. According to him, the earth was shifting plates have led to changes in the rotation, but not because of the earthquake in Chile, the earthquake energy release indicators merely due to a
shift in the Earth's plates.

As a result of shifting tectonic plates, has also been changed a little romance picture of the earth crust due to the mass point is shifted. But to be a change in the map of the Earth and changes in the position of the Qibla direction, it takes millions of years. That is, the phenomenon of the Earthquake in Chile does not change the direction of the Qibla of Muslims praying. But only slightly changed the map of the face of the earth. Of course, it is natural that the
earth is not nature still, but alive.

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