Saturday, June 30, 2012

Nutritional needs of pregnant women who are healthy enough

The gestation period is a time of joy for the couple. On the other hand, pregnancy is a condition that is very vulnerable and need special treatment. Among other things, nutrition of pregnant women should be properly fulfilled. This is to prevent the occurrence of the less desirable as well as an effort to make children who are conceived can be born with normal and have good health. This is where it takes the role of a husband and wife co-operation in providing all the nutritional needs of pregnant women.

Given that, in pregnant women usually have a physically weaker than the normal time. In addition, a pregnant woman may experience sensitive periods in which they require more attention than their partner. For some people, the sensitive nature of pregnant women are often referred to as morning sickness. In these conditions, pregnant women usually have a desire that sometimes makes no sense. And they demanded that desire can be realized, even though it is quite difficult.

In ancient myth, a man who wishes unfulfilled cravings at this, will have an impact on a child is born. The child in the future will grow into a child who likes to salivate at the sight of something that appealed to him. But of course, this is a myth that can not be proved with reasonable logic. Because many are also some people who at the time of pregnancy, and her desire is not fulfilled, when the birth of their child grow up normally. There was no relationship between cravings are not met by customs drooling at seeing something interesting. Thus, the myth does not need to be believed.

Because, basically, everything a pregnant woman who is curious is simply a common condition. Where they want to gain more attention from her partner. And is realized with the demand out of the ordinary day-to-day.

Right food for pregnant women

One way to meet the nutritional needs of pregnant women is through food. Food consumed by a pregnant woman, should be able to meet some basic needs required by the fetus and the mother's own. In general, a pregnant woman does not need to make dietary restrictions during pregnancy arrived. All you need do is not to avoid certain foods, but just enough to control it.

There are several requirements that need to be there to provide food for a pregnant woman. Beberepa these conditions include :
  • Food consumed should contain sufficient energy needs, for health of pregnant women and especially to the developing fetus in the womb.
  • Food consumed should contain protein, prosperity, vitamins and minerals are sufficient.
  • Food consumed should not cause negative effects to the fetus in the womb. For example, consuming alcohol.
  • Choose foods that can support the mother's metabolic processes to maintain a healthy weight, blood sugar and blood pressure.

Calorie needs of pregnant women

In foods, let choose the type of foods that contain enough heat. This is because a pregnant woman, would require greater energy than when not pregnant. The energy required for growth of the fetus, placenta formation, new blood vessels and tissue. In addition, heat energy is also needed as to the metabolic processes of the new network.

However, although not necessarily require additional heat must be addressed by increasing the number of excessive eating. Therefore, the body of a pregnant woman only needs by 80,000 heat alone. Thus, additional requirements are needed only 300 calories each day.

However, it is not easy to measure how many calories you consume each day already. Simply put, this measurement process can be done by using hunger as a way untku control your calorie needs. In addition, pantaulan your weight to help whether you are eating the right amount of calories. In addition, you can ask for a doctor or a nutritionist to get more accurate information.

Protein needs of pregnant women

Protein is one of the requirements that must be satisfied during pregnancy. Therefore, the protein needs of a pregnant mother will be increased as much as 25 grams than when not pregnant. During pregnancy, the daily protein requirement is 75 grams. Some of the menus that contain lots of protein foods such as milk, meat, fish, eggs or cheese. While the source of vegetable protein can be obtained from tempeh, tofu, oncim, and other nuts.

Needs of pregnant women folic acid

Folate is a B vitamin that plays an important role in the process of embryo petumbuhan. Folate could prevent spinal cord defects and infant brain. Folate deficiency increases the risk of premature births, babies born with low weight and slow growth of the fetus. Folate is especially important in the period before pregnancy and in early pregnancy. Foods that contain lots of folate are green vegetables, orange juice, beans, nuts and wheat bread.

Needs of pregnant women Iron

Iron is needed to produce hemogobil, the protein in red blood cells which deliver oxygen to tissues. during pregnancy, blood volume increases to accommodate changes in the body of the mother and the baby's blood supply. If the iron needs are not met, pregnant women would be easy to feel tired and prone to infection. In addition, the risk of preterm birth increases and the baby's weight at birth is also low. Needs of a pregnant woman to iron is 27 milligrams per day. Iron is naturally going to come from red meat, fish, poultry, cereals and legumes.

Needs of pregnant women would Zinc

This substance has the potential to prevent preterm birth and low weight babies.

Calcium needs of pregnant women

The fetus will get calcium from the mother about 25 to 30 milligrams per day. This requirement would peak in the third trimester of pregnancy. Pregnant women and their babies need calcium as an amplifier of bone and teeth. On the other hand, calcium is needed to help arteries during contractions and dilation.

Calcium is also needed as a mediator of nerve signals and hormone secretion. If calcium is not obtained from foods, the baby will take calcium from bones mother. Calcium for pregnant women ideally adalh 1000 milligrams per day. That's why pregnant women are advised to consume milk, cheese or yogurt that contains the source of calcium.

Needs of pregnant women Vitamin C

Vitamin C is needed as an antioxidant that will protect tissues from damage and is required for collagen formation and conduct of chemical signals in the brain. Pregnant women should consume 85 milligrams of vitamin C every day.

Needs of pregnant women Vitamin A

Vitamin A is needed to improve the function of vision and increase immunity. Moreover this vitamin is needed to support fetal growth and development of the embryo. When a pregnant woman is deficient in vitamin A, will have an impact on the babies born have a fairly low weight. Vitamin A can be found in fruits and vegetables, green or yellow. In addition, butter, milk and egg yolks are also a good source of vitamin A.

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