Friday, June 29, 2012

How to write Romantic a love Letter ?

Write a love letter, is an activity that is often done by someone who was experiencing love. By writing a love letter, a loved one is expected to be able to understand these feelings and more able to greet him properly. So that in future they can establish a relationship of love and romance filled with happiness. The trend of writing love letters is the case in the era of 60s and early 2000s. This is especially true when communications technology is still very limited. So as to establish relationships with others are far apart, still need help the postal service to send a letter.

This also happens to those who are in a relationship or being approached by a loved one. Limitations of the communication system where telephone facilities are still very rare, making the writing of letters as the only option to establish communication. In a love letter is sent, usually someone will deliver a wide range of sentences that contain flattery or praise the recipients. In addition, words that are romantic, adorned throughout the letter.

Than through the sentence, the expression of romanticism often also demonstrated through the selection of letter paper that has a certain image. Typically, paper letters used to write love letters will be selected that has a red heart. Color is considered a symbol of love that means the link feelings of the sender of the letter to the recipients. Not infrequently, the selected papers was a letter that accompanied the paper type of fragrances to show a particular expression.

Modern Love Letter

In the era of emerging technologies, as now, it does not mean there is no more people who want to write a love letter. Writing a love letter is still done by some people, especially those who were aged adolescents. That age is a time someone was trying to search for identity and recognition of the environment. So one of them done by finding people who can be loved and love them. In the modern era like today, where communications technology is rapidly evolving cultural shift in some ways. One of them, in terms of how to write a love letter. Lots of love letters written at this time using the medium of electronic aids.

For example by electronic mail or social networking facilities as well. Both of these media that will replace the role of a paper letter to write a love letter to someone. In addition to more practical and faster to the person in question is received, we will also get a variety of easy to write letters on them. Among others, we can attach multiple files to be able to foster a deeper romance as well as we choose the color and aroma of letter paper. With the writing on the electronic media, we can attach some of the things that could create the impression of romance.

Like to attach a personal photo or attach a letter of music as an accompaniment. So that when we send the letter to read, you hear the strains of romantic music that could create the impression of melancholy. This is what distinguishes between the love letters are made with conventional systems as well as love letters are made with the help of modern technology. Although the same goal, that of bringing the content of the liver to a loved one, but delivered in a more self-expression.

Writing a Love Letter

So How to write Romantic a love Letter ? In essence, a love letter made not only by using a mind, but made with heart and feeling the strength of the author. Usually, if a post is made with feeling will be easier to put it in writing. On the other hand, precisely this is often regarded by some as a difficult thing. Because they will feel confused about what to write in the letter. It also often happens in the process of verbal communication, where when someone is in a position confused or shaking, will be difficult to say the words.

To that end, when they wanted to write a love letter should we in calm conditions. Take a deep breath in for a couple of times, for a long breath will be able to relax the tensions that exist thousands of nerves in the human body. Once calm, continue to write the words and arranged so that it becomes a sentence. Should not hesitate to think of the beauty of the words in the letter. Instead, we write everything in our heads and poured in a screen or paper.

Do not think about the beauty of the arrangement of sentences or paragraphs and any other matters related to the editorship when we just get one or two sentences. Because, if this is done we will have lost thousands of ideas that exist in the head just to think about the editorship. Preparation process and the editorship other words, should be done when we've actually run out of ideas for writing. However, if we still want to continue writing it, we should stop and rest or do other activities. It is useful to refresh our brain that may have been too tired to think of a series of sentences in which we will write it in a love letter.

In writing a love letter, we also do not need too much indulgence in excessive praise on our spouse. Therefore, this will show that what we write is something that is exaggerated and does not look natural. As a result, it could be people who read the love letters will actually feel reluctant and do not be flattered by it. Sentence should praise ditulisa reasonable scale and do not need to use hyperbolic language or exaggerated and far from reality.

In addition, when we want to commend the people we send love letters, and should not use comparisons with others. For example, compare the appearance of the person with a well-known figures, such as artists. However, simply provide comparisons with other objects. For example by saying that beauty is likened to a rose or jasmine too. Change the mention of the word replace the word nuanced intimacy was, no one used. This will beautify the sentence and indicate one's heart's content. For example, replace the word "you" with "dear" or "love", a very good thing to do.

In addition, write a love letter should also pay attention to technical issues. Among others, restrict the use of the word in a sentence. Ideally, the number of words in a sentence is a total of 27 words. Thus, the reader of the letter will not be out of breath, just to read one sentence. By limiting the number of words in a sentence, then the reader can use one breath to complete the sentence.

In addition, nor too long in writing a love letter. Preferably, a love letter is limited up to 2000 words per shipment. This is to distinguish between a love letter with a short story. In addition, the excessive number of words, can lead to repetition of words that are too often lead to boredom and letters from readers. It would be better, we just write a letter to a reasonable length. And will be even better, if we prefer quality over quantity of writing.

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