Sunday, June 24, 2012

How to Know Contemporary Painting ?

Contemporary painting is one of the new flow in the field of painting. Contemporary sense of the word itself is equated with the modern or recent mention of the term. Contemporary flow appeared frequently with the development of visual art around the 70s. Some of the paintings of contemporary artists, known at that time was a figure of American painting. Call it like Jackson Pollock or David Smith is an icon of the transition from classical painting to a more modern flow.

According to Udo Kulterman who is also a thinker of Germany, noted that the contemporary understanding of the meaning attached to the post modern in architecture. It is also referred to as a process of emergence of a new era in art expression. This emerging understanding, against the classical understanding of a rigid and only focused on the symbolism of thought alone.

Of some experts also found that there are two senses of contemporary art that developed in Indonesia. Understanding the meaning of First Instance is little known by the public at large in Indonesia. That contemporary art can be interpreted as a modern art and alternative art. Examples of alternative art itself is now often found as installation art, performance art and art happenings. The third type of art, many developed in the modern era it is today.

Installation itself is a new art works created by combining several media to create a new unity and create a new meaning as well. Installation work themselves freely without regard tampail division or separation of the branches of the art of painting, sculpture, printmaking and other art. installation art is usually created as a way to convey criticism, satire or concerns of the artists being the phenomenon going on around them.

Understanding of contemporary art is understood both by giving the limits of contemporary art at an alternative art. Alternative art is, as already mentioned above that installation art, performance art and art happenings plus other works that use contrary to the tendency of modern art.

This is because the notion that contemporary art is a form of rejection or opposition to the existence of modern art. Thus the term is more likely to be directed to contemporary art activities are leaning on the concept antimodernisme.

In modernism, among other things overlooked is the issue of truth, authenticity and creativity. Principal is then underlies the birth of "the tradition of the new" or also known as "Avan-garde tradition. The pattern of the birth of this new art style, had experienced rejection by society. But then, gradually, people began to accept the understanding of art that uses new style. Society considers that this abru art style is a way to create a form of innovation and creativity of the artist's art.

Contemporary art such as installation art, performance art happening and is very close to people's lives. Because, in the art of raising all that thrive in everyday life. So that between society and contemporary art has a strong attachment and touches many aspects of life. This is what makes contemporary art is so fast growing and evolving with the use of media and techniques are limited.

International outlook

In looking at and defining the contemporary art there are differences in the perspective of each country. This difference occurs as a manifestation of the globalization process and also based on the ethnicity of every country. Therefore, the contemporary art itself is not a form of movement or flow, as well as the media nor to obtain the identity. However, contemporary Senir is a way to mereleksikan the tradition.

Some works of art that was born as a radical reaction to the flow modernime. For example, works of art Pop Art, Neo Dada, Performance Art, Happening art or installation art as well. These works are often created surprise in the community and art lovers to the exclusion of the value of aesthetic pleasure. Because, in this contemporary art is concerned about are the strengthening of expression that might be seen as something that is very excessive, or even horrible.

It is also found in the range of contemporary paintings. Where contemporary paintings are not just presenting beauty as naturalism or promote the flow of color composition. However, in this contemporary painting, a painter will forward the delivery of a specific message that is expected to create something from the painting itself.

Flow of Art

Such a condition indicates that the art world has a high diversity. This is what is called pluralism, and becomes an art practices that have conflicting principles between one and another. On the other hand, art is often inseparable from the political ideology of a country. And finally, the art becomes a tool for the interests of its ideology advokatif occasionally even provocative. From here, the contemporary artists are born with their radical concept. Art is used as a tool to attract attention and raise an issue that is known by the public. In addition, they have the belief that art can also be used as a tool to create social change.

With this condition, a contemporary art managed to grow and create its own position in life, whether in art or politics. Trying to break into the art of contemporary art that modernism has grown into a frozen convention in the face of changing times. Contemporary art grew to create a new view and create dynamic motion along and aligned with the times.

In contemporary art, is not known to the convention or dogma bond of any party. This suggests that contemporary art is a breath of creating the position and break down the establishment. Because of the contemporary art does not have to follow a rule, either in the form of concepts, including the range of aesthetic styles.

Art in the Age of Modern

In this life, social issues, cultural, political, economic and other aspects of life will be blasted with questions of morality. This is what inspired the young artists in creating a wide range of contemporary artistic creation. Idiom tradition filled with the nuances of cultural pluralism, was appointed as a translation in the creation of works of art. Where the art is able to create a wide range of universal significance, as seen from the side of life.

Breath of contemporary art is the creative intelligence which is an ability to create new ideas and create solutions to a problem in a distinctive manner. Besides the creative intelligence is needed to enhance the imagination, as well as the behavior of labor productivity. A creative artist will always try to get the latest values when they encounter all manner of objects and different views. It is intended for the highest striking originality of a work of art produced.

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