Tuesday, June 19, 2012

How to build a small Enterprise - A Choice

Entrepreneurship should be a choice based on the awareness and interest. The fact is also an entrepreneurial world continues to grow rapidly and promises to give more value. Thus, there is no excuse not to look at the business world. Moreover, on the other hand, the number of employment opportunities is so lame compared to the number of job seekers. The unemployment rate is statistically not give any sign unresolved. Even from time to time draws to soar.

While the number of victims is so dynamic layoffs due to the many private companies out of business. In addition, the necessities of life can not be delayed. Therefore, the required figures entrepreneur. Do not waste the abundant natural richness. Time for us to learn to work independently.

Paradigm to be a civil servant's time to change.

Thus, both high school and college graduates, no longer have to be skilled at writing job applications, but is directed to expertly make a business proposal. They are no longer flocking to apply to be an employee carrying a map, but the rollicking opening a new business. If the entrepreneurial spirit can we grow from an early age, this country is expected to rise from adversity. Abundant natural resources can be managed independently. Choosing an entrepreneurial attitude to have to be willing to not get a regular monthly income, do not get the office facilities, and many lagi.Di the other hand we also have to be very clever to put aside savings alone because no one would give a pension or severance pay in the future.

By taking an entrepreneurial There are several advantages that can be enjoyed as compared with a worker like this.
  • Realism own ideas freely.
  • It could be your own boss.
  • Land can provide jobs for others.
  • Free to regulate working hours, without being tied to strict office hours.
  • Can determine their own salaries.
  • Can stay close to family.

It's just important to realize that success is not built in a day. Not as easy as turning the palm of the hand. So often we hear the story of the business prior to the rise and fall with great success. Successful entrepreneurs are also generally start from the very bottom of the stairs with a trickle of sweat. This means that there are long and complicated process that must be passed before it grows into a big business and powerful.

In this process no less offense gravel and slippery and steep road that must be faced. All these obstacles must be a spur to more active and mature as it navigates the world of business. However, in principle, there is no other choice. We need to get started. Furthermore, we live navigate his way, as has been undertaken by those who had previously worked. In the end there was no other choice but we must succeed.

Here are some of the attitudes themselves are required to build a powerful entrepreneurial spirit. Personal suggestion, I assure you certainly can and do now. Assemble with employers to know the what the entrepreneurial world. Expand reference to our more entrepreneurial sure to go. With the manual, but we are more confident, we also become more daring in taking decisions in the business world. Eliminate fear. Difficulties and risks always include the opportunity. So, do not avoid the risk because in it also contains an opportunity.

Do not get used to fantasize. Yet nothing has been thought a matter of profit, ease, intensity, and great results. Just have to learn to count starting from the number of small but persistent and committed. Imagine the difficulty and face the difficulty. Task-oriented and results. Need for achievement, profit-oriented, fortitude and perseverance, hard work determination, have strong encouragement, energitik and initiatives.

Leadership, which acted as a leader, able to socialize with others, and responding to suggestions and criticisms. Innovative and creative, flexible, and versatile. Oriented to the future (perceptive).

Stages small Business

There are several steps that will be passed by someone who will start berwira business. The following stages.

Starting Phase

If someone intends to do business, would prepare everything if requested. First of all look at what the business opportunities that allow work. He will determine what kind of business would be worked as industrial, manufacturing, agriculture, manufacturing, or services.

Stage of Business Conduct

In this stage, the entrepreneur has been entered on the management of various aspects related to its business. Typically include aspects of human resources, financing, organization, ownership, and leadership. Leadership here include how to make decisions, take risks, marketing, and evaluation.

Maintaining a Business

In the next phase, the entrepreneur has to analyze the developments that have been achieved. The result will be followed up in accordance with the circumstances at hand.

Develop a Business

At this stage, the entrepreneur is a comprehensive evaluation. If the results are classified as positive or have developed, expanded the business into one of the options that might be taken.

Step small Business

Technically, in general, small business entrepreneurship step has three important characteristics of the following.

Stage of imitation and duplication

Duplication and development stage businesses.

Stages of creating its own goods and services are different. At the stage of imitation and duplication, entrepreneurs began to imitate other people's ideas. For example, create the type of product or service that already exists, with respect to production engineering, design, processing, organization of business and marketing patterns.

At this initial step, entrepreneurs do an internship, managing personal experience of the environment, and the observed trend of a new effort to sharpen its business stub.

Duplication and development at this stage, entrepreneurs innovate on existing products. In this enriching and differentiation so that other products or services than others. Similarly, in business and marketing activities of the organization. Although the activities are subject to change, such as design and engineering tend to be monotonous, perhaps changing the three to five years. Marketing tends to be mastered in the form of monopsony by collectors as the small businesses in general. There's even an entrepreneur who follow market trends and a few more companies will follow suit collector.

At the stage of creating something new, entrepreneurial ideas to the development of products or services that are more sophisticated. This is due to the saturated product or service that developed over the years. Thus, entrepreneurs doing business expansion and creation of a more superior product than ever before. It also wants to encourage entrepreneurs to keep trying to become the market leader. Aspects of the technology began to be explored for use in his business.

Looking at the opportunities and challenges that exist, it is fitting we seriously looked at the business world. Even further seeks to inculcate an entrepreneurial souls to our children as future generations. Instilling an entrepreneurial spirit will be even better if done early. Thus, since small children are introduced to the patterns of business activity, although in a very simple form.

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