Friday, June 22, 2012

How to Avoid the Wrong Health Information ?

Information is an important part in our lives. Like most everything in this world, all in pairs. Similarly, the information, no information is correct, some are wrong. Insight and extensive knowledge is needed to assess a correct or incorrect information. This article will discuss the health information is wrong in society. However, before let's see what health information.

Regarding Health Information

One of the important information about health information. Everything about the world of medical knowledge. Informais is usually grown in society of mouth. More information can be related to custom, organ of the body, food, and others. Well, to get this one, we haruys were really knowing the truth. That way, we will not be mistaken about health. Do not let us want to live healthier, but got stuck due to erroneous health information.

Today there are many facilities that can allow you to get the correct information about health. You can look it up on the internet. There, there are many sites that are managed by a health agency or person who is an expert in the field of health. That way, you will not get the wrong information about health.

Health Information is Wrong

Lots of health information that has been circulated widely in the community as if something is true. Yet it is wrong even health information health information is just a myth without any reason and logic support the facts. Here are some of the health information that seems right but wrong.

Reading in dim places Damage Eye

Actually read in a less light will not damage the eyes, only eyes will quickly become exhausted.

Next to the heart of the Left Chest

Position of the heart is actually located almost in the middle of the chest and are protected by the sternum.

Gray hair in Time last night because of stress

Hoar formation process does not happen that fast, but gradually. Black hair will turn gray and then fade to white. Stress can indeed cause gray hair, but not in one night.

Eat little as possible so that the Body Slim

Eating as little as possible will only cause of disease is easier to attack our bodies. This was caused by a reduced intake of nutrients and not comparable to those required by the body. If you want to trim should have a reduction in calorie intake and increase the combustion process in stages.

Hiccups cope with the Drinking Water

Not medically proven, as well as holding my breath. In 1971, New England Journal of Medicine recommends that swallowing a spoonful of sugar will be very effective to overcome cegukkan. This research has been tested on 20 volunteers, the results cegukkan successfully discontinued in 19 patients.

Easy to Flu Affected If Chills

Common Cold Research Unit in Salisbury, England had conducted research on two groups of volunteers. Both groups were then given the flu virus. Then the first group was placed in a room that is warm enough, then the second group washed down with cold water until soaked through in half an hour. After that they dried off and dressed dry. It's just that they were still wearing wet socks for several hours. The result, both groups have similar symptoms. Thus, the body is cold no effect on the immune system.

Children have trouble sleeping ? - Give Warm Milk

Indeed there are substances that can cause the milk to fall asleep, called tryptophan, but the levels are only slightly, until the effect is barely noticeable. So, it takes milk in large quantities (several tens of liters as possible) so that the effect could be felt. But if it's done other effects that will occur, vomiting before then collapsed from exhaustion. Then why children sleep easier if given warm milk ? Not all kids in fact, only for those who always drink warm milk before bed. So just because a routine, not the effects of tryptophan content in milk.

Only 10% of the Brain Do We Use

It's only health information in the form of myths and subterfuge are made by the sales "brain experts" for the promotion of "new methods" which "supposedly" can increase the ability of the brain. According to research, in fact all parts of the brain works and functions alternately as needed.

Grow Hair Fast and Rugged as sheared

Hair growth depends on nutrients that we eat, nothing to do with shaving. Indeed if often shaved, the hair will be a long difficult. The new hair conditions were rough, but after extending the hair will be as usual, depending on care.

Affected due to Sleep After Flu Shampoo

Flu or influenza is caused by a virus called Rinovirus, not wet hair, wet bodies, and others. This is a health infoormasi wrong.

Abnormal eye because Often Pretend Strabismus

Pretending to squint just going to make funny effects, or even annoying, but it will not damage the eyes. If there is someone who has always done that (often cause the eyes) he most likely affected by visual impairment.

Chewing Gum Not Be Excluded from the Stomach for Seven Years If ingested

According to Davis Pollack, swallowing chewing gum, chewing gum can bring liquids through the intestinal tract. Within a few days will be discarded candy. Just as other non-food items are often swallowed by children. Chewing gum is not digested, but as we know, eaten if it can not be digested and turned into feces excreted from the body. David Pollack is a senior physician at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Care Network.

Prohibited Swim One Hour After Eating

According to Scott W Cohen, after dinner, will more and more blood flow to the digestive system and away from the muscle. That way, some people think if a lot of blood pumped to the body's digestive system then the others will be deprived of blood to occur cramps.

Scott W Cohen
is a pediatrician in Beverly Hills, and author of Eat, Sleep, Poop: A Common Sense Guide to Your Baby's First Year.

But in fact the blood will soon be pumped into the body requires and is divided according to the destining. If we remain silent after eating the dominant blood will flow to the digestive system to expedite. But if we do other activities such as washing dishes after meals, the blood flow would be divided into the hand muscles for example.

Weak body If Not Eat Meat

Actually, the body will adapt to the food. Sense of weakness that appears more likely due to psychological effects. We're just going to be weak if it does not take anything.

Nutrition for Not Eating less meat

Protein sources not only from animal foods, plant-based sources also have an ample supply of nutrients that the body in general. If there is a shortage could be aided by the consumption of dietary supplements.

No man will Males - If you do not eat meat

Humans and animals are not the same. After all many herbivorous animals are far more powerful than a tiger or a lion, like elephants, hippos, lions often hunt deer because of hassles when deer running faster. Not "manly" ? rabbits are much more "manly" than a lion or a tiger or other carnivores because rabbits can produce far more children. Lion or tiger will get to sleep after a full, but the bull or the horse will soon be working again once their stomachs are filled.

Not Eating Meat = Stupid

In fact Pythagoras, Socrates, Plato, Isaac Newton, Leonardo da Vinci, Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin, and many others, is a famous scientist of all time. They are vegetarian.

Eating meat is not fatty It Healthy

Actual meat (fat or not) will cause the body to lose more calcium through urine as issued. Especially for women after menopause, can lead to bone loss and fracture risk (Deborah E Sellmeyer, Katie L Stone, Anthony Sebastian, and Steven R Cummings, "A High Ratio of Dietary Animal to Vegetable Protein Increases the Rate of Bone Loss and The Risk of Fracture in Postmenopausal Women ", Am J Clin Nutr 2001 73: 118-122).

Acne Face Wash Often Missing

Acne is not just caused by dust and dirt on the face, but also hormones or impose improper use of the product. If secarara excessive cleansing, acne will get worse.

Squeeze Acne

When acne is inflamed, it feels good push-push. Actually it would only aggravate the condition of acne, especially when using a tool or a hand that is not hygienic.

Trying Various Health Products

Sometimes if you're trying to heal or want to be healthier, we'll try a product. But when the product has not been shown to provide results that we tend to switch to other products that are "supposedly" better, and so on repeatedly. When what happened is, the body is forced to adapt to the new products constantly to cause allergies and even damage to the body itself.

Not Checking the Content of the Product

Errors that often occur because of our tendency to believe what they say and lazy to pay attention to the actual facts. It could be a product contains a substance that may be good for others but not suitable for our body. Actually there are many more health information is wrong so often "mislead" us. But, by looking closely at the things above God willing, we will tehindar of health misinformation is often the case. Finally, be careful before implementing any tips or advice in the form of health information, look at the facts first.

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