Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Familiarize Clean And Healthy Lifestyle

Many slogan that states the importance of clean and healthy. As hygiene is the base of the health slogan. Even the religion of Islam strongly encourages people to always menatati behavior of clean and healthy.

Prophet Muhammad in the hadith says that cleanliness is half of faith. This means that Islam is a religion of love cleanliness. There are many hadith the Prophet pertaining to hygiene and health behaviors, there are :

Hadith narrated by Saad bin Abi Waqas from his father, Prophet said:

Verily Allah's holy love things that are holy, He who loves cleanliness Clean Supreme, He is like the sublime glory, He is Most Beautiful who love the beauty, Therefore, clean place where you are (Narrated by Tirmidhi)

Hadith narrated by Malik al shari'ah, the Prophet Muhammad had said:

Cleanliness is half of faith and can meet the reading hamdalah mizan (scales). (Narrated by Tirmidhi)

Hadith narrated by Malik al shari'ah, the Prophet Muhammad had said:

Cleanliness is half of faith, prayer is a lamp, and Sadaqah is light. (Narrated by Tirmidhi)

In Al-Quran, Allah says in Surah Al-Baqarah verse 222: Truly Allah loves those who repent and those who maintain a healthy. The above verse reminds us to always perform a clean and healthy living behaviors. For clean and healthy behaviors are strongly encouraged by Allah SWT. In the above verse there is the implied meaning of cleanliness must be maintained. Hygiene must be maintained, not only physical cleanliness, but also spiritual and environmental hygiene.

Cleanliness must be maintained by all Muslims claiming to believe in Allah and His Messenger, as Allah SWT himself clean and loves cleanliness maha

The following will be described some behavior of clean and healthy.

Keeping Behavior of Physical Hygiene Body or bodies is an important aspect we keep the cleanliness and health. How To maintain a healthy body can be done with a bath twice a day, brush your teeth after meals and before bed, wash your hands before and after eating, wash it twice a week, and much more.

Little things that must remain to be considered in maintaining bodily hygiene include:
  • Not even with a towel exchange among members of the family.
  • Always use a toothbrush and a private bath sponge.
  • Not even swapped clothes with fellow members of the family.
  • Use footwear any way out of the house.
  • Trim the nails every single week, every day of the week should be routinized.
  • Trim your hair when it is long enough (for men) and when it feels uncomfortable.
  • Take care of cleanliness of the body parts of a personal nature such fine pubic area, underarms, nose hair, and mustache.
While the ways to maintain physical health as it has presented some of the points above,several of them are :
  • Exercise regularly.
  1. A routine exercise we carried out an expensive but do not have an easy and inexpensive such as jogging, jog, do aerobics at home, cycling, fitness, and others.
  2. Tea walk or a leisurely stroll around the mountain tea can be laternatif choice of sports on the weekends with the family. Sports other than tea walk can provide freshness of mind, blood circulation, is also very good for our respiratory tract.
  3. The air around the site is very fresh tea walk with air pollution levels are very low. Another benefit of this exercise is to increase the harmony in the family.
  4. In addition to tea walk, out bond can be used as an alternative sport that is conducted every family once a month. Out bond in addition to establishing unity and cooperation with family members are healthy.
  5. Out bond can help blood circulation and relieve stress, because some of the sport is its adrenaline rush.
  6. Actually there are a lot more fun and healthy sport that can be carried out jointly by the family on the weekends or at the end of the month.
  • Maintaining order diet.
  1. Get used to eating three meals a day and avoid foods high in fat, if any should be consumed sparingly enough.
  2. This needs to be done to prevent the onset of the disease are overweight (obesity), kolsterol, and heart. By regulating a healthy diet, physical health will be maintained.
  3. How busy our work, a time and take time to eat. Because if not, then typhoid, ulcers, and fatigue are some diseases that are ready to approach you.
  4. Get used to eating a balanced diet pattern, so that the body needs to nutria needs are met perfectly. Not always have to eat large portions, but enough with the portion that is but meet the nutritional requirements needed by the body.
  5. Steer clear of additive substances and psychotropic substances (narcotics).
  6. This is the point, because these substances contain opium, which can cause users to addiction and difficult to break away from the addicted.
  7. People who are addicted to drugs will not have a perfect physical health because blood circulation has been poisoned by hazardous substances.
  • Keeping Spiritual Hygiene Behavior.
  1. Spiritual cleanliness is very different from physical cleanliness. Where physical cleanliness appears or looks from the outside so it is easy to clean.
  2. So also with physical health, how to treat and cure is relatively easy as it looks, although it must use a tool.
  3. Cleanliness and spiritual health, related to the heart and mind. One's spiritual health and hygiene can not be judged and seen from the outside. It could be people who look from the outside seemed friendly, but in fact angry.
  4. Or people who look like arrogant but very friendly.

Spiritual cleanliness and anticipation can be overcome by running the following ways:
  • Diligent in worship
  1. Obedience in worship is one attempt to get closer to God. People close to God will have a clean heart, so free from envy, jealousy, anger, and other liver diseases.
  2. Exspression capable of love and affection.
  3. Expression of feelings of love and affection to the people who we sanyangi will make our hearts happy so that they can keep us from feeling stress.
  4. Appreciate by making works of art.
  5. Appreciate what we feel and we want through the fine art of poetry, lyrics, paintings, short stories, novels, and others can relieve stress so that we become more spiritually healthy.
  • Recreation

Go travel to places we visit will not give freshness to the mind and heart.
  • Avoid things that pornography

  • Pornography is something that we need to watch out for properties such as opium. The man who first watched porn, will always remember what he saw and cause a desire to do so. Therefore avoid and minimize it.
  • Avoid negative thoughts that are actively reading a book.
  • Negative thoughts such as upset, angry, vengeful, nasty brain (omes) can be avoided with the way we menyibukan on reading activities. Reading in addition to expanding our horizons, we can also clear your mind of things that are negative.

  • Keeping Behavior Environmental Hygiene

Environment is part of our lives. We and our activities are in the environment. Therefore, we are obliged to keep our environment clean and healthy manner include:
  1. Always dispose of waste in place
  2. Do not throw rubbish into rivers or other waterways
  3. Doing community service together with residents to clean up the environment
  4. Where possible make savings by garbage like Surabaya and Jakarta community
  5. Inculcate the habit of clean and healthy on us to give a huge benefit to us, society and environment. Get used to living clean and healthy behavior is not something that is difficult for us to execute, because it concerns the behavior of everyday life.

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