Monday, May 28, 2012

The Importance of Building a network within a business

The Importance of Building a network within a business in this century is very important. Network is a valuable asset for entrepreneurs also the worker mass media public relations. Building a network is a big agenda for companies seeking to develop his own efforts, the level is higher. When the network has been formed, all business strategies easily realized, because communication lines are interwoven with the smooth. Build a network of businesses that need extra work hard, you are as concerned with this, to get out of the comfort zone, directly down to the field and interact with others. There you learn a variety of human characters with different styles of business.

This method requires a long process. In addition, you have to study even harder, about how to communicate properly. How to influence the audience, so they want to do something to your liking. It is during this vase, probably felt uncomfortable, but that the consequences must be faced, in order to form networks.

A business that has built up a network that does not mean to let it alone, it is a ready-made network, must always be maintained. For non-real network is an investment that is very valuable. That's why big companies, making the public relations division, and hire employees with high qualifications and ekpert in the science of public relations.

The Important of Network in the World of Work

What happens if there is someone working as a journalist, he is going to be hard to himself while covering the event and looking for a resource, as a result the report continues coverage of late, because during the school did not have any friends or do not want to be friends with anyone else. That is one example of how important perteman that supports your work in the future. Have many friends, likes to hang out and be adapted to many people could indirectly support your work. Like the journalist profession, exemplified above.

Each job can not be solved independently, such as a book author, takes the role of editor to proofread his work, then the Easter texts in the ACC, the authors also ask for help layouter to set its text into sheets ready for work, and the latter asked for help translating his work into the cover image communicative. That's a little example of a publishing internal networking. So to make the book the author takes a lot of people to help realize karyannya.

There are certain types of job vacancy that requires the imposition prospective applicants have a wide network and has a great personality. Based company with public services, such as advertising, the pharmaceutical industry and others.

Professions Must Have Network Area

Applying for a job is not just a certificate of capital alone, there are non-technical factors are also taken into consideration to be received at least one employee. Non-technical factors are the personality and relationships or networking. People who have a good personality as outgoing, friendly, sociable, good communication skills are the primary capital to build networks and relationships.

There are so many professions that do not just rely on good IP with a high IQ, but rather the ability to develop a network or network relationships, which are useful as the company's progress.
Here is a row of a profession whose performance menfaatkan network:

1. Entrepreneur

Be a key success enterpernuer must build a strong network, both internally and outside the business. Prior to building business relationships, a true entrepreneur, should be able to build internal communications, networks among employees also have to be built perfectly. How the boss should go down to the bottom, build conversations with employees, in the design of workflow systems, production flow. After the internal network is formed, it could still be supervised, if there is a problem quickly sought a solution, and its performance is always evaluated.

In addition to working to develop a network of the business. Employers are also required to establish networking with the second, looking exactly as many business-many relationships. Business relations are very useful to market its products. Form of relationship building is a cooperation contract between the employer and other parties in the form of goods distribution services, advertising consulting, business strategy, outsourching and others.

2. Editor

Mass media without the editor is like a plane without a pilot, it means the editor is very crucial role in the work system in the mass media or editorial. Job description for the editor does not merely work at a computer, editing manuscripts that go there are more important than that. That is the task of having to build associate editor extensively with writers, journalists, especially the speakers from the people who have a broad impact, such as politicians, businessmen, economists.

Be a reliable figure editor requires a long process. Thinking skills sharp, analytical, balanced with a friendly attitude towards others, sociable, in which case he can adapt to various communities.

3. Journalists or media workers

Journalists are demanding profession working in the field and interact with many people, that is not less important to build a network for themselves as well as the interests of mass media. Working journalists require an extensive network of relationships, in order to facilitate the needs he will look for information.

Resource is his partner in the field. When there is a task of covering the news, reporters use the private network channels for speakers who wish to pursue the information extracted. Take for example when a reporter chasing resource person who is a minister. Before the ministers met, the reporter should contact a personal aide to the minister or secretary, so she can arrange a meeting with his boss. Then make an appointment to interview according to the theme coverage.

Diskripnya if you want to target the target prey, must first pass through some point, it's called networking flow.

4. Film director

The director is a profession whose performance depends on the network that he built. In a process of film production, film director takes a lot of artists to play the lead character in the scenario, then he also need to employ a cameraman, film editor and much more. All mutual dependence to achieve the perfect end of a good movie to watch work.

Building Tips Network

Networking and building a relationship can be done early. Believed to be the person who likes to make friends, have lots of relations since the young, his life going to be easy. Including when you are setting up their own business. The following are tips on how can I make networking.

1. Reforming the personality

Prior to building networks, the attitude of self must be arranged in advance. Which is the personality to be liked by others. Easy to get along with others, not a picky person in friends. Follow the various communities which exist in society communities, such as the photography community, associations of antique car enthusiasts and others. Anyway multiply friends, making friends is very helpful because of your efforts.

2. The internal

Build a network of relationships among the closest to you, first. Is like climbing stairs, must tread stairs one by one in order to reach the top. If you are a beginner business, build better communication with your employees and loyal customers. Build networking for internal, it's like building a house foundation. Solid internal network beneficial to accelerate the target company's work. They know what to do when the realization of an idea company.

3. Fostering network formed

Networks or relationships are well established company is an asset that must be maintained. Networking is a non-physical asset that can not be seen but it is very beneficial for the survival of the company's business.

Do not let the company neglected to maintain the fabric of cooperation with other parties. Form of network maintenance is responding to what they (labor relations, lawyers, consultants, customers) to say, the shape of this response in the form of the ability to sponsor a companion company, or partnership.

Fostering networking and expanding network of relationships is the duty of the public relations division, no wonder the company in dire need of public relations personnel who have an extensive networking.

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