Sunday, March 25, 2012

Better Yourself From What You Think

Better Yourself From What You Think - John Chambers, CEO Cisco Systems, described his experiences as a student who struggled in school. He found difficulty in reading and writing, but later he was able to pursue a career outside the ordinary until he occupies the highest management positions in the world's leading companies.

"For me, it's painful to read," said Chambers recalled the days when school is small, as quoted by Jerry Porras (Success Built to Last). "My teachers thought I was not smart enough, and I also feel that way. I can not understand why I can not progress like everyone else. "

Chambers's experience provides lessons on how the perceptions of others about ourselves can influence the way toward what we think about ourselves. Because teachers are not smart enough to think Chambers, he thinks he is like that. The worse the perception of the potential to drown us if our feet are not firmly established.

Really we can not get better? Is it true that our capacity was limited to this ? Management experts who belongs to psychology lately reminded of how important and how useful has the ability to self-confidence. Not only that we are able to achieve what we want to go, but also believe that we can own and control capability.

Perhaps too often we are overwhelmed confidence that our intelligence, our personality and our behavior has been fixed. Whatever we do, whatever efforts we seek, we can not get better. Mentor! This view was implanted by the environment to ourselves.

What caused such a view? We become more focused on efforts to achieve the goals or objectives as a way of proving themselves. This loh me, can you? In fact, to develop themselves and to master new competencies should gain more attention from the achievement of a target.

As well as Chambers, instead of proving himself that he was smart to read and write, he developed other skills that would later greatly helped in taking a career. He built the cleverness of speech, to persuade, and to explore the views of others.

Of course, as CEO, he was able to read and write, but for him to write a memo though still uncomfortable. He would prefer to meet and talk with people in person if possible. Ability to understand the views of others through conversation and persuade his skill in increasing the frequency of other people he met.

The way to overcome this difficulty writing turned out to take advantage of Cisco. With energy and a strong belief through speaking, Chambers is able to attract customers from around the world for his company. Nothing is stagnant and still. Every person has the ability to continue to develop themselves. Of course, to be able to master new things needed confidence that he could become a better person, daring in its attempt to take trouble and appreciate that the trip was as precious as the objectives to be achieved. That is, if could be better, to be good is not enough. And surely everyone can.

John Chambers has proven it.

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