Tuesday, January 10, 2012

You're determined that this year is your birthday

that this year is your birthday ?

You're determined that this year is your birthday, listen to this ...

Thou shalt not fill your life with just a rush to have you not yet have.

Remember, that

The greater the desire to achieve that yet you have, the more likely you not 

appreciate that you already have.

In fact,

All you're going to accomplish, starting from the existing to you.

You could not have achieved something from something else that you also do not have.

So, there you appreciate the place, which is yours, and that are within your 

authority, as the beginning of what you're grateful for that will make you achieve a 

peaceful life for the benefit of your neighbor.

Indeed, if you learn and work hard for the good of thy neighbor, thou shalt be given 

without asking, and have you never dreamed of.

On the night of the year is very new, accept with sincerity that there is no other 

way for you to live well without causing any good in your neighbor's life.

You are in my happy, because you are happy.

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