Tuesday, January 10, 2012

You who have been determined to win this year

Business strategies

You who have been determined to win this year, listen to this ...

From now on, do you think is more light yourself.

Other people may doubt the dreams and the impossible, but you - not.

Whatever happens, move, majuk yourself, step forward.

Retreat is not a choice.

Say ... I'm not designed to reverse.

Ignore all the doubts people will not endure failure, and that will only be jealous 

of your success.

It's your birthday, it's your life.

It does not matter whether your dreams are too high and unreasonable.

All the big dream that was not reasonable, is achieved with a simple action that 

makes sense.

It's your birthday.

Make yourself the ruler of the feelings, thoughts, and actions.

May God always accompanies honesty and hard work.

Until we meet on top of it?


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