Saturday, January 28, 2012

You are today's rage burned by fire because of the humiliation by others

You are today's rage burned by fire because of the humiliation by others

You are today's rage burned by fire because of the humiliation by others, listen to this ...
All of the treatment of people and circumstances that you do not like it was rubbing and polish that will shape and brighten your privacy. Try to keep the peace of your heart, like an obedient gemstones as he buffed and polished.

Thou soul of love of God. Is it possible there than he is doing to you, is not for you noble? Think about it. God does not make mistakes. Everything that happens - happens with God's intentions. And God's intentions are always good.

Anyway. Do you go mad you were. Hurt because it's natural sense of humiliation. But thou shalt not weep in sorrow for the humiliation you deserve the next. Strapping yourself. Shade your face lah. Toward them which love you, and happy they are with a smile and your laughter. Your life is more important than taking care of people is not good.

Happy they who have obviously loves you

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