Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Flight to the Bali

Bali Map

Flight to the Bali - We had just landed in Bali, after more than 1 hour flight from Jakarta this 


We're getting ready for about 15 hours later flight, which would be quite tiring, 

but that gives an opportunity to change the runway of life.

We will be at the same time zone as inverted once, that is you're asleep when our 

activity, and otherwise so I will be present from time-to-time at a little strange.

Um ... the world is so big and complex, but it feels so close and under control, if 

we are friendly ourselves to technology, and ways of behaving and thinking globally.

My brothers are young and their future is still very long,

Do not be lazy to learn it?

This brother could not have approved his request to be a waitress for many of our 

brothers, if Mario was obedient to the Muda had a sense of lazy and indulgent 

pleasure for delay.

He first was stubborn, hard to accept the advice, feel like I do not need to learn 

again, but fortunately he was still obedient and respectful of parents and teachers.

You can not be a servant for many people, from diverse cultures and traditions, from 

diverse faith and belief, from all social and economic class, and for all age levels 

- without sincerity accept breadth difference between them, and without making 

yourself acceptable by as much as your neighbor.

Education is the gate, and compassion is the way.

So go find science everywhere and from anyone, learn to be honest and respectful, 

and make the means to honor your fellow.

Hopefully the Lord made your high personal value to others.

Until we meet someday huh?

Keep a humble soul who loved the Lord.

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