Monday, January 9, 2012

FIRM TO DEVELOP SELF my good fortune

FIRM TO DEVELOP SELF my good fortune

FIRM TO DEVELOP SELF my good fortuneFriend in need of peace about the future of what will happen to you, say this as 

your own words ...

My Lord, the Knower,

You know what I'll be in my future.

And you had given authority to develop my own fate to me.

If I learn, work, and live with an attitude and a good way, it will let my fate.

If I am lazy, full of curious, like towing, complain without harassment, and not be 

honest, it's how weak my fate.

So I beseech Thee, that Thou tegasa energy to advance the good, to try before saying 

is not possible, to try again even fail, and to appreciate the small revenue as a 

means to achieve great results.

Lord, have mercy on my efforts today for a private firm to develop its own my good 



"The greater the number of souls who ask, the better for the asking."

If for busy, you do not have time to write 'Aamin' or another message, please you 

'Like' as a sign of your participation in our prayers this morning.

Thank you and my super, Loving you all as always

Hmm ... was late afternoon in San Francisco, and I hope you wake up this morning in 

the health and peace.


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