Tuesday, January 10, 2012

DO NOT Biting the Hand that giving EAT to us

biting hand, don't !!

DO NOT Biting the Hand that giving EAT to usA good friend of my heart,

Often without our knowing it, we apply a bit harsh and cruel to the people react 

rather good to us, because the offense or because we think of the good they do is 

their duty.

Something that we have received on a regular basis, although not our right, will we 

demand as a right.

And that is our attitude to those who helped us. We act like a child who bites the 

hand that feeds food.

Often without our knowing it, we hurt those who love us, because we consider the 

goodness of their hearts is a liability in their favor.

We often think of ourselves is so important, thus ignoring the needs of others to be 

loved, appreciated his help, and to receive a little gratitude.

So, let's say this as your own words ...

The Lord is Forgiving,

Forgive me that often fail to appreciate the kindness of parents, siblings, friends, 

superiors, and those who do not know - but who willingly do good to me as a fellow 

who they love.

Today, the power to really give my personal gratitude for the kindness of others to 

me, and empower me to do good that are comparable to them, so I would not only be 

beneficiaries grouchy.

Lord, delete the bad traits of me, so I can not be the one to bite the hand that fed 


Make me grateful for the good souls of others, and able to restore it as a sign of 

my kindness.


"The greater the number of people who ask, the better the chance that the request be 


If because of busy, you do not have time to write 'Aamin' or another message, please 

you 'Like' as a sign of your participation in our prayers this morning.

Thanks and greetings super,

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