Thursday, December 22, 2011


Sustenance IS NOT JUST MONEY - Sustenance is all the grace of God, such as health, peace, science,
a prosperous and happy family, good name, and a great influence to promote kindness and prevent the occurrence of evil.

And the highest value of all sustenance Faith in God is Almighty. Let's start all the things of faith and underlie everything on faith, that we all become good personal sustenance.

Loving you all as always

Hmm ... how many people are not aware of her baby smile is a blessing, sound spoiled children who call the 'papa' and 'mama' is a gift, and willingness to ripen with her soul mate is the glorification of God.

If we are willing for a moment a moment of taste and creativity, will be felt at all how great God's mercy and grace that we already have and enjoy.

Indeed, since the beginning of our lives, we are already rich.

But there are people who impoverishes his heart, with existing complained to him, and that will only chase him astray. 

Indeed, those who believe already rich.

We who have faith, ... just live life with honesty and sincerity for the good work and family life and each other, so that the beauty of our world is connected with the life of heaven.


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