Monday, December 26, 2011

My friend whose heart was in need of tenderness of God

My friend whose heart was in need of tenderness of God, listen to this ..."The fastest way to be saved by God, is an easily applicable pitied by God." 

That is ...

Work hard at your job though small and trivial. Be honest even easier for you to steal. Be thankful though small your result. Be ok though you yourself are still shortcomings. Optimize neighbor who is sad, even though you yourself are upset. Draw near to God, even if you do not feel clean. And ask for help in crying to God, though thou feel not worthy to ask.

Thou soul that loved God. Release work with joy as you have paid and highly valued. Your kind heart who make you a soul that God pitied. God could not have the heart to see you are obedient to Him, lingering sincere and grateful to receive a minor in earnest working great. With the awareness that the Lord was watching the sincerity of your work, say it ...

My God, Most Gracious and Most Merciful, Look at your little lover's hopes comply with this, ... I know You, the Most Merciful, but please ... more love to me. Lord, help me, save me, and lift me.

Softless treatment of this life to me.


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