Sunday, December 25, 2011

Key Results Areas

Key Results Areas

Key Results Areas - Key Results Areas are priority areas in which you need achieve results that are rojected during the planning period. use Key Results area to ensure continuity in key performance areas essential to the results of your organization. At the organizational level, the key results areas may include areas such as financial results, sales performance, customer service, and new product development. May be very helpful to see some of the Key Results Areas in terms of its impact on stakeholders (parties important with the organization) primary such as owners / shareholders, customers, and employees. 

Typically, fields hand this would be broad enough to incorporate the results of more than one department or segment of an organization. At the unit level (unit includes any unit distinct within the entire organization, from the operating divisions or departments up to one-man operation), Key Results Areas focused on the principal result of the unit particular, which could include such things as improved quality, productivity, cost control, and employee morale.

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