Sunday, December 25, 2011

Key Performance Indicators

Key Performance Indicators

Key Performance Indicators - Key outcome indicators are factors that can be measured in each key result areas you want to set specific targets. Since there are many ways to measure your results, it is important for you to clearly identify and agree on indicators which will provide the best visibility on the expected results. In addition, the Performance Indicators often the key factor that can act as you noted in monitoring progress toward achieving your goals. 

Some indicators can be quantified, such as the implementation of programs, number of units or dollars of sales, number of production units, and the percentage of market share, and such indicators are very useful and usually easy to note. However, other indicators are not easily quantified, such as the implementation of programs, research capabilities and development, and introduction of new products, are also valuable in assessing the type of results expected. 

In any case, the indicators chosen should be understood and agreed by those involved. (In previous blogs I introduced the element immediately after discussing Area Indicators key results. My efforts toward the clients recently showed that it would be beneficial to first  perform Analysis of Critical Issues in advance as an additional means to identify Key Performance Indicators.)

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