Monday, December 12, 2011


Eraser stamp BUSINESS CONSULTANT - At that time I just turned 27 years old, and worked in a foreign bank in Jakarta, as the trainees with a small salary would run out at the end of the month, Bajaj fitting to pay money in the office on payday.

I am a small dorm room at a small house and simple.

Bathtubs (a fancy term for bath) in the bathroom 'with' it, a small, bright green plastic, ... buckets. And every time I shower, I was well aware that it is very simple, but I said to myself: "Hi, this is temporary."

In the simplicity of young people who live alone in Jakarta, I dwell among reconcile themselves with poverty, and look elegant in association with the rich people who became customers of the Bank.

Man! ... I am super frustrated itinerant.

Poor, squirt, big dreams but inferior, work in an international bank that cool, cost of living is expensive, and each end of the month as doctors need to be accompanied by a heart specialist as a financial advisor.

Every day my eyes glazed look magnificent Jakarta, busy, and growing fast. Every day while hanging on the bus I asked whether I was going to be later?

One day, because the mixture of inferior big dreams, including a detailed plan and fear about the future, I got off the bus at Semanggi bridge, and walk under the bridge.

At that time, under the Semanggi many artisans make rubber stamps, and I visited one of the most small tables that may be the cheapest. I handed her a small piece of paper, to be made stamp.

The paper was read :

Consultant Business

After the price match, he began to whittle a rubber eraser with a cutter, which I waiting with the feelings of people who were adrift at sea at night.

With chest nearly burst with pride that I do not know what, I came home with a holding seal eraser, with a resounding cry of breath, and eyes are wet, on the bus, I pray that my grasp of the stamp on it, life is improving.

After that, no matter what I write, that I sent as memos, proposals, and report to my boss - I give you one sheet of blank paper in front and behind, I snap, and then in front of my stamp :

Consultant Business

Two years later, at age 29 I became a Service Excellence Coordinator for Indonesia in the foreign bank, and one of the proposed strategy of cultural development of excellent service that I collated - rejected by my superiors.

I'm disappointed, a little cranky, but I made a copy of it, I put a blank piece of paper in front and behind, I snap, and I stamp :

Consultant Business

At that age I built a second career as a coach business skills, with the direction to become a Business Consultant, in addition to my main career was in the bank.

Five years later - at the age of 34 years, in 1990, a proposal that was in my boss's departure, was bought by the major airlines in our country, for the development of culture and Service Excellence training system that is applied nationally and internationally, with a total price of the program 115 000 .- U.S. Dollars (at the time). Thank you God.

So, my brothers a good heart,

Whatever your fears about the future, or no matter how insecure you are about your current circumstances, make or take a mark - like a seal eraser me that, as a reminder that you've started your plan, and will force loyal to the attitudes and behaviors that will make you as you dream.

God plays a major role in the life of the soul who believed in the beauty of their dreams.

Dreams are great, but make sure you have a simple sign as a point of departure of your soul.

We are all going up, if we move.

Then, move.

It does not matter whether you feel like slow motion, but move.

You will be up.

Loving you all as always

A good friend of my heart,

Thanks and greetings super,

Working for your happiness

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