Monday, December 26, 2011

Do not be angry, reply

Do not be angry, replyThe best way to take revenge against people who insult you, is to become more successful than she. Successful completion of many of your problems, and funny thing a new problem for people who hate you. But, do not make the hatred of others as a barrier to your success.

Whatever anybody else says, learn and work hard for your successDo not get mad, retaliate with success . My brother is young and often worry about the criticism of others, listen to this ...

You will not be criticized IF you are an ordinary person who did not achieve results that exceed the results of the souls that have not been out there it's peaceful. Just because you are more of them, they lose control of themselves and not ashamed to announce his feelings left behind by trying to patronize you.

People who are fond of criticizing and demeaning others, often do not realize that he Criticizing LESSER OF PLACE. You are young, remember that the journey is still long. Whatever their criticisms, stay focused study and work to make yourself better and more capable. Please be patient.

Remain faithful to the truth that make you heart fellow breeders.

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