Saturday, December 10, 2011

Define Your Decision What did you dream ?

Define Your Decision What did you dream ? - Every person must have a dream / goal, but unfortunately mostly only be mere wishful thinking .. Here is how to realize your dreams .. This way I learn from a motivator of America, but I forgot to mention his name whom. What would you do? Do you have a dream who wants to make happen there someday? What do you do to make it happen? Your own to decide whether your dream will come true or not, the problem we leave to the almighty God. 

Remember, Allah will not change the fate of a people unless the people themselves are changing what what's in them (Surah Ar-Ra'd: 11) Try to close your eyes for a moment and imagine you are your dream come true right now, imagine in detail ! Imagine more real! And feel if your dreams really come true! Have you imagined as if it were real? Then specify your decision now! 

Tell them that all that will happen, or say you will not be able to now. The most important key to realizing the ideals and your dream is your personal investment (you want to spend time, physical exertion and invest some of your property). In order for your dreams come true you will need the commitment and tindakan. Imagine, hope, and wait without commitment is wishful mere fancy. There will be no one will come help us if we ourselves do not know what to do. If we want to realize the dream, we must be able to explain how our dreams can come true. Expect, imagine, create strategies, and take action.

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